Perfect x

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(It's about a month later and Beth and Viv have moved out. Katie is still asleep and you're already up and dressed. You go upstairs to your bedroom)

Y/n: Katie come on you need to get up

Katie: Ughh no, I'm tired and we have nothing to do today

Y/n: yes we do you idiot, we have an appointment with Louise in an hour

Katie: shit (she jumps up) I completely forgot

Y/n: just get ready cos we have to leave in half an hour

Katie: okay okay I'm up (she gets out of bed and gets a shower and gets ready)

(About half an hour later you both are at the clinic and you are having the standard tests before an appointment)

Louise: y/n, y/l/n (she shouts)

Y/n: hey Lu

Louise: hey, hi Katie come on in (you both go into the office and you get on the bed)

Louise: so how have you been feeling since our last appointment?

Y/n: alright, I've only been in pain of a night to be honest

Louise: okay let's have a look then (she puts the gel on your stomach and starts scanning) there's little man

Y/n: aww

Louise: okay so he still isn't measuring up to size which isn't great

Y/n: what's going to happen

Louise: it's just a waiting game because we can't really do much at this point. He is perfect though, 10 fingers and toes so you don't have to worry. Just keep taking your prenatal vitamins and try eating a lot of healthy foods, we just want to make sure that baby is getting the right nutrients and vitamins. Our next appointment is in a month so we'll just see whether baby has grown a bit more then, if not we could be looking at a C-section

Y/n: but I'll only be about 23 weeks pregnant, he won't survive

Louise: don't stress okay, it is just in case.

Y/n: okay (Katie holds your hand)

Katie: it'll be okay

(You finish up the appointment and get the scan. You're now in the car)

Y/n: I'm so worried, what if he doesn't grow

Katie: don't stress okay, remember everything happens for a reason

Y/n: I know

Katie: come on let's go shopping

Y/n: yesss I love IKEA

Katie: I know you do (she laughs)

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