First date x

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(Katie nocks on the door)
Y/n - hey mush
Katie - hey you look beautiful
Y/n - (you blush) thanks
Katie - here these are for you
(She hands you a bouquet of lavender)
Y/n - aww omg these are my favourite how did you know?
Katie - I saw your interview a couple of months ago on YouTube. The top 10 facts about me. I remember you mentioning that your favourite flower was lavender
Y/n - aww that's so cute you remembered
Katie - you ready then
Y/n - yep
(You get into the car and she hands you the aux)
Y/n - yayyy
Katie - your like a little kid, you get so happy over the littlest things
Y/n - shut it
(You both blast music and sing the whole drive. You arrive and Katie opens your door for you)
Y/n - what has gotten into you. You're never usually this nice.
Katie - be quiet
Y/n - okay okay. Can you tell me what we are doing now?
Katie - we are going on a walk
Y/n - okay cool
(She pulls out her headphones and you both put one in each ear. You walk round London for about half an hour whilst interlocking your pinkies listening to music. It's actually the cutest thing ever)
Katie - okay cmon
Y/n - what were are we going ?
Katie - you'll see
(She takes your headphone and holds you hand. You turn the corner and just stop)
Y/n - omg
Katie - we are going on that. (She points to the lit up boat on the river)
Y/n - you're so cute you mush
Katie - I just wanted you to have the best first date
Y/n - aww (you hug her) thank you
Katie - it's fine now come on
(You both head over and get on to the boat. It's so romantic. There's a rose petal trail leading you into a cute little room on the boat. There is a candlelit dinner waiting for you both. Katie pulls out your chair for you and you both are sat down)
Y/n - this is so beautiful
Katie - i know (she grins)
Y/n - I don't get it though
Katie - get what?
Y/n - why you've done all of this for me. I don't think anyone has ever done anything this nice for me to be honest
Katie - well I really like you and you deserve to be treated like a princess
Y/n - you're so cute you mush
Katie - anyways I thought this would just give us a chance to get to know each other.
Y/n - oh okay well what do you want to know?
Katie - everything (she laughs) I'm joking, just the basic things like why you came to England, do you have any family here? Things like that
Y/n - (you don't usually open up but with Katie it's different so you start to open up a little bit) okay so I came to England because I wasn't really getting much game time at Bayern and I just wanted a fresh start. I felt like arsenal would be a good fit for me.
Katie - that's fair enough, so did you have family back in Germany ?
Y/n - no, just me and my best friend
Katie - so where is your family then?
(You just look down)
Katie - sorry I'm just being nosey now
Y/n - no it's fine don't worry. My dad passed away when I was 7 and my mum and brother live in Manchester the last time I checked
Katie - are you going to go see them whilst you're here?
Y/n - probably not. My dad was my world, he was a huge fan of me playing football, he took me to every game, he bought me my kit and my boots, he even kicked a ball around the garden with me when he could hardly walk. My mum and my brother on the other hand do not accept that I play football, they think women should just be in the kitchen cooking and cleaning and having kids and looking after their husbands (you giggle) they didn't approve that I played football because they never thought I could make a career out of it but look at me now I guess. They never supported me being gay either.
Katie - I'm so sorry about your dad, he seemed like a lovely man. Your mum however needs a slap
(You both laugh)
Y/n - I know haha. I knew I was gay from quite a young age like as soon as I started playing football and saw Kelly smith on tv (she laughs at you)
Katie - Kelly smith (she's laughing)
Y/n - what's wrong with Kelly smith?
Katie - nothing just never expected your gay awakening to be Kelly smith (she's still laughing)
Y/n - fair enough
Katie - how did your parents react when you came out then?
Y/n - my mum beat the shit out of me and even tried to send me to one of those camps where they tell you it's just a phase and try to make you straight
Katie - oh my gosh no way that's horrible. What'd your dad say
Y/n - I never actually came out to my dad, because I didn't come out until I was about 13-14 but before he died he gave me a stack of birthday cards, one for each birthday. In the pile there was a blank card so I opened it and inside was a huge letter. He wrote that one day he hopes I'll be happily married to a beautiful woman who treats me well. He said that he would've done anything to be there but he'll be watching from above . It was the cutest letter ever and he pretty much said that he always knew and he was proud of me no matter what.
Katie - that's the cutest thing ever
Y/n - yeah it was
Katie - wait so which teams have you played for?
Y/n - I played for a boys team until I was 10 called rangers, and then a couple of other development teams which is when I got signed for Man City at 16, I played there for 2 years and then left and went to Bayern and lived in Germany for a year and now I'm here.
Katie - that's crazy. You're literally 19, your the most expensive player in womens football, you've won fifa best player of the year and a ballon d'or
Y/n - I know hahha
(You and Katie carry on talking for ages. And food was served but you're just picking at it and don't really eat anything. Afterwards you go back to car and drive home. You get in the house)
Leah - hey lovebirds how was your date
Y/n - who told you we were on a date?
Leah - Beth did
Y/n - that girl can't keep her mouth shut (you giggle)
Leah - you going to answer the question then
Y/n - it was great thankyou
Katie - tonight was amazing but I better head home
Y/n - wait stay
Katie - are you sure I don't want to be in the way
Y/n - you're not trust me
Katie - okay cool
Y/n - right I'm going upstairs to get ready for bed but you can come up and chill with me for a bit if you want
Katie - yeah sure
Leah - keep the noise down you two
Y/n - don't worry mum we will
(You all laugh. You get into your bedroom)
Katie - hey darling, can we talk like on a serious note for a minute
Y/n - yeah sure is everything alright?
Katie - you know when we were out, you didn't eat anything, I was just wondering if you're like ok ?
Y/n - I did eat
Katie - cmon y/n I might be slow but I'm not that slow, you literally just played around with your food and then moved it all to one corner so it looked like you had ate most of it.
Y/n - oh erm I'm gonna get changed I'll be back
Katie - ok then (she huffs and puts her head in her hands)
(You go into your on suite and get changed into your pyjamas. As you get changed you just stare in the mirror, a tear falls down your cheek. You can literally see your ribs, and you know it's bad but you can't help it. You put on a jumper to make it less noticeable and go back to Katie, who's still in the same position on the bed)
Y/n - are you okay angel?
Katie - yeah I just thought I'd upset you
Y/n - no it's fine
Katie - are you okay though?
Y/n - on a real note, no not at the minute. I struggle a lot to eat and with change so the both of them mixed together isn't really the best.
Katie - okay, thankyou for telling me (she kisses you on the cheek)
Y/n - right change of topic
Katie - okay what do you wanna do?
Y/n - can we watch a film ?
Katie - yeah course
Y/n - yay
(You get all excited and end up putting on frozen because you love Disney films. You get off the couch and go lie down on the bed. You pat the spot next to you so Katie comes and lies there.)
Katie - remind me again why we are watching frozen (she laughs)
Y/n - heyyy I love frozen
Katie - you're a literal child
Y/n - you always call me a child but I'm only like this because I didn't get to experience any of it as a child
Katie - fair enough (she giggles)
(You move your self closer to her and lay your head on her chest, she strokes your hair and you end up falling asleep. About an hour later you wake up and you get a call. Katie is asleep so you just go into your bathroom and answer it)
Y/n - hello who is this ?
Keira - y/n
Y/n - who is that?
Keira - it's me
Y/n - omg ke ke
Keira - I've missed you so much
Y/n - how did you get my new number ?
Keira - I managed to get it off Lucy who had it off G.
Y/n - I thought you couldn't get in contact though
Keira - I couldn't, Daniel wouldn't let me
Y/n - fucking hell ke why are you still with him.
Keira - I love him
Y/n - no you don't he's a literal dickhead
Keira - he's not he loves me a lot
Y/n - right okay (you roll your eyes) how come you're calling me then ?
Keira - I just missed my big sis (not biologically just sees you like that)
Y/n - I miss you too bubs, what time is it in Spain?
Keira - it's like 12 here
Y/n - oh okay well can you ring me tomorrow because I need to get some sleep
Keira - yeah course I will
Y/n - I love you
Keira - alway and forever
Y/n - forever and always
( you go back into your room and Katie's lying there awake)
Katie - you okay?
Y/n - yeah sorry someone called me
Katie - at this time?
Y/n - yeah it was just a spam call, sorry I woke you
Katie - it's fine I'll go down and get on the couch anyways
Y/n - no stay
Katie - why
Y/n - I can't sleep alone
Katie - How have you slept the past 3 days then?
Y/n - I haven't I just had those 3 naps the times I was with you
Katie - fucking hell y/n
Y/n - what?
Katie - you can't be doing that
Y/n - I physically can't sleep without someone next to me though
Katie - I understand that but you're a pro athlete you can't not sleep, how are you not tired during training
Y/n - trust me I am, but that's why I practically live of coffee
Katie - ohhhh I get it now
Y/n - yeahhh
(She climbs into your bed)
Katie - come on then darling
Y/n - (you walk over and get in bed but keep the distance between you) I'm freezing
(Katie moves closer and pulls you in so she's spooning you. You've never felt so safe and before you know it you are both asleep. You wake up the next morning with your head on Katie's chest. She's already awake and just stroking your hair)
Katie - morning beautiful
Y/n - morning
Katie - we have to get up, cos we have media day today
Y/n - ughhh no 5 more minutes
Katie - I've already let you have an extra 10
Y/n - I'm so tired though
Katie - I know but you can sleep later. We are only in til 1pm
Y/n - right okay
Vanessa : hey y/n please go see Alex today for an hour after media. Thankyou x
(You just ignore it)
Y/n - I have a meeting at 1 so looks like I'm not gonna sleep anytime soon
Katie - I'll wait for you if you want and then I can come back here so you can sleep
Y/n - no it's fine don't worry
Katie - are you sure
Y/n - yeah
(You really want her to but you feel bad. You get up and go get changed)

^^ your outfit (with black leggings

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^^ your outfit (with black leggings. White adidas socks and your trainers) ^^
Y/n - I love this top
Katie - same but nothing will beat the pink kit
Y/n - yeah true
Katie - right cmon
Y/n - okay I'm coming
(You both head downstairs)
Katie - do you want to eat here or at the stadium?
Y/n - what ?
Katie - just answer the question
Y/n - where are you eating ?
Katie - that stadium
Y/n - okay then the stadium
Katie - okay cool
(It's about an hour later and everyone is at the stadium. You Katie Beth and Leah are all in the canteen)
Katie - okay i'm going to get food and coffees
Y/n - okay
(She comes back with a protein bar and a bowl of fruit. She places them in front of you)
Katie - here, a double espresso crazy girl
Y/n - thanks, what's this for though? (You point to the food
Katie - I didn't know what you liked so I got both
Y/n - (you whisper) I can't eat these
Katie - just try for me yeah?
Y/n - Ughh (you get up and storm off to the relax room. You sit yourself in a beanbag and put your headphones on with your volume up all the way)
Beth - y/nickname
Y/n - shit beffy you scared me what's up ?
Beth - Jonas wants us all in media now

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