First camp x

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(You and Keira have just arrived at camp and you are walking in with your suitcases. There is cameras everywhere and you're shitting yourself. You start to greet people. You see Alex as you're walking in so go over and give him a hug)
Alex - fancy seeing you here (he giggles)
Y/n - I was confused to why you where here at first (you laugh)
Alex - tomorrow at 1 yeah?
Y/n - I'll be there
(You carry on walking in)
Keira - who was that
Y/n - oh just someone who manages me
Keira - ohh okay
(You get shown through to a room where you can leave your bags and then into a meeting room where all the team is arriving. You are all sitting down. You would greet the other girls but Sarina wants to talk to you all first)
Sarina - hi guys thank you all for coming. I know some of you are new here and some of you have been here longer than me, but I have faith in this team and players I have chosen for this squad. Schedules have all been emailed to you individually so don't worry if your time table doesn't match up to your mates time table. For the first two days you will be getting to know each other and bonding as a team, however I hope that you would spend at least an hour in the gym or on the pitch a day. Monday will be our first in depth training session, Tuesday we have some tactical training and media and then Wednesday is our first game. If any of you have any concerns what so ever please bring it up with a staff member or come to me personally. Lastly, you will be in rooms of 6 as there is 3 rooms in each apartment. You will have to share a bed with another teammate so I hope that's okay. In apartment one is Keira, y/n, alessia, Lucy, Georgia and Leah. In apartment two is Ella, Jordan, Beth mead, Millie, rach, lotte. Apartment three is Mary, Hannah, Ellie, Alex, Lauren hemp and Chloe. The final apartment is only five team members so lastly, Beth England, Nikita, Demi, Jess park and Lauren James. If you have any issues please let me know. Thankyou
(She leaves and everyone starts to greet each other.
You instantly run up to G jumping in her arms)
G - hey gorgeous
Y/n - I've missed you so much G
G - I've miss you too, where's my ke ke?
Keira - hey G (she hugs her) I've missed you the most
Y/n - hey I'm right here (they both laugh)
G - look at us three all back together again
Keira - I've missed this
Y/n - me too (you look around and see a blonde girl with the most beautiful blue eyes catches your attention)
G - y/n, y/n, hellooo, earth to y/n (she waves her hand infront of your face and you snap out of it
Y/n - yeah sorry what
Keira - who were you looking at?
Y/n - no one erm... I -I just zoned out
Keira - okay (her and G laugh)
G - cmon I'll introduce you to some of the girls
Y/n - okay (you walk over to the groups of girls)
G - y/n this is...
Y/n - Rachel and Millie, hi I'm y/n
Rach - hey nice to meet you
Y/n - and you
Millie - so we hear you're a big fan (they both laugh)
Y/n - oh gosh (you put your head down) who told you
Millie - you did
Y/n - what?
Millie - on your live a while ago
Rach - the one with Katie?
Y/n - oh my gosh yous were on that (you giggle)
Millie - yeah
Y/n - how embarrassing
Rach - don't stress (they laugh) we'll see you around y/n
Y/n - yeah (you look at g) how embarrassing
G - quite funny to be honest, let's go over there (she points to the blonde girl. You become more nervous for some reason) y/n this is alessia, Ella and Nikita, guys this is y/n
Y/n - hey
Ella - hey you ok
Y/n - yeah good thanks you
Ella - great, this is less
Y/n - hi (you're mesmerised by her deep blue eyes)
Alessia - hey (she says in a shy tone)
Nikita- hey I'm Nikita but everyone calls me keets (you don't answer her and you're just staring into alessia's eyes) you alright r kid (you snap out of it after hearing her strong scouse accent)
Y/n - yeah I'm good sorry I keep zoning out. Nice to meet you keets (you give her a smile and walk off with G and ke)
G- what was that?
Y/n - what was what?
Keira- you staring into less's eyes like an absolute creep
Y/n - oh my god i don't even know, I just got distracted by her eyes
Keira - well snap out of it because you have a girlfriend
Y/n - I know it wasn't anything like that anyways
Keira - good
G - there's Mary and Hannah, they're goalkeepers, then there's obviously the city girls which we already know.
Y/n - yesss ahhh hempppooo
Lauren - hey gorgeous you okay
Y/n - yeah you
Lauren - yeah good
Y/n - good
(You hug all the city girls and you, Keira and G are sat together at a table talking. Leah comes strolling in)
G - le (she shouts. Leah comes over and gives her a hug)
Leah - long time no see stanners
G - I've missed you
Leah - I've missed you too. There's my girl (she looks at ke)
Keira - hey you okay
Leah - yeah great. Is everyone here?
Keira - everyone apart from Lucy
Y/n - where is she
Keira - on her way, she had a Barca game so couldn't make it on time
Y/n - fairs
G - shall we go to our room
Leah - yes, I could fall asleep right now I'm so tired
Keira - you can't go to sleep anyways (she laughs)
G - perks of camp that is
Y/n - I'm so confused
G - first night of camp we always do a friendship quiz run by Millie and rach, they think it's some great thing that will help us get to know each other better
Y/n - how fun (you laugh)
Leah - I know
(You all get your bags and go over to your apartment)
Y/n - right so who is sharing with who?
G - maybe we should wait for less to get here
Y/n - oh yeah true
(You're all just chilling in the living room waiting for less to get there)
G - guys I recon instead of eating the canteen food tonight we order pizza and watch a movie
Leah - are you stupid Georgia
G - no
Leah - what if sarina sees
G - it's just one time I'm sure she won't mind
Leah - we're all on strict nutrition plans though
Keira - who cares. Leah stop being a goody two shoes
Leah - Ughh am not
Keira - you're. It's only one night, after that we will stick to our diets
Leah - okay fine but if sarina asks, I wasn't involved
G - okay fine (you all laugh. Less walks in)
Less - hey girls
Y/n - hey
Leah - can we decide rooms now because I want to unpack and get changed into some normal clothes
Less - yeah I don't mind who I'm with
Keira - I'll be with Luce so then I can steal her clothes (she laughs)
G - okay so Keira and Lucy, I'll be with y/n and then less you can be with Leah. Is that okay with everyone?
(You all agree and go into your rooms to unpack)
G - how's McCabe?
Y/n - alright, we just keep arguing over stupid things
G - oh right, but she's treating you right isn't she?
Y/n - you don't have to worry about me anymore G. If anything happened you would be the first to know
G - I'm always going to worry about you. You know that
Y/n - true
G - so how have the past few days been?
Y/n - up and down. Some days are bad and some are good, but my heads just all over the place at the minute
G - what do you mean?
Y/n - just overthinking everything and I don't know I just feel numb all the time
G - you recon you going to have a low week?
( a low week is what you ke and G call it. You sometimes get these really depressive episodes for a whole week or even longer every now and then. You don't speak to anyone you're just numb and you don't feel any emotions, you just lie there and do nothing, you don't speak to anyone and you just want to be left alone)
Y/n - I'm not sure. I can usually tell when it's about to happen but I don't know
G - you'll let me know right if you're feeling really low
Y/n - yeah
G - how was your birthday ?
Y/n - it was really good. Weird without you being with me but yeah
G - sorry I couldn't be there babe
Y/n - it's okay
(You finish unpacking and you're all chilling in the living room. A little while later someone nocks on the door)
Y/n - I'll get it (you go to open the door) oh my god ahhhh Luce (you jump into her arms hugging her)
Lucy - hey you
Y/n - I've missed you
Lucy - I've missed you too
Keira - hey Luce
Lucy - (she just brushes off Keira and goes to say hi to everyone else. You notice that kei looks kind of upset but you don't make it obvious) I'm going to go unpack
Y/n - ooo I'll help you
Lucy - okay (she looks at you confused but you and her go into the room to unpack)
Y/n - you okay Luce?
Lucy - I'm alright yeah
Y/n - you can talk to me you know. What's going on?
Lucy - what do you mean ?
Y/n - you just seem off and kei said you haven't spoken to her in a while and you just keep brushing her off. Even before when she said hi to you
Lucy - oh
Y/n - cmon Luce just talk to me please
Lucy - I don't know what you want me to say
Y/n - I want to know why you're acting like that. You may not see it but I do and it's hurting her. I saw the way her face dropped when you brushed her off before
Lucy - I'm hurting her (she just looks at you with teary eyes)
Y/n - look all I know is she has missed you and she saw you two days ago and now you won't even speak to her
Lucy - I just can't
Y/n - why
Lucy - cos it hurts
Y/n - what hurts?
Lucy - just looking at her
Y/n - I don't get you Luce. You're gonna have to explain a bit more
Lucy - I saw her the other day getting changed in camp. I saw the bruises and the cuts. I see him at the games in the crowd. I know what he's like and it breaks my heart. It's killing me too see her like this and I can't do anything about it. Every time I see him I just want to fucking nock him out but ke would hate me. I don't want her to hate me (she's crying)
Y/n - oh, come here Luce (you give her a hug) it breaks my heart too, but don't push her away just talk to her.
Lucy - it's just hard.
Y/n - you like her don't you luce
Lucy - yeah I like her a lot I always have
Y/n - I know
Lucy - is she okay?
Y/n - she's alright. If it makes you feel any better she's going to break up with Daniel and move out after international. Plus she won't stop talking about you and how much she misses you. She was so excited to see you, and she was the one who wanted to share a room with you. Well that's mainly because she wanted to steal your clothes but it's still something.
Lucy - that does make me feel better, I just wanna keep my distance though
Y/n - why though I don't get it
Lucy - she would never like me and every time I see her it's like I fall for her a bit more. I need to save myself before I end up breaking my own heart
Y/n - Luce she may want to take things slow after everything she has been through but trust me when I say there's definitely something between you two. I see the way her eyes light up when she talks about you. She looks at you like you're the only girl in the world. I think you should just start making hints, be confident, show her that you're there for her and see where it goes. Just please don't push her away
Lucy - okay I won't
Y/n - good now get dressed because we have quiz night (you laugh)
Lucy - course we do (she laughs) I'll come out soon
(You go into the living room with the rest of the girls)
Keira - what was that about?
Y/n - what was what about
Keira - you and Luce?
Y/n - oh nothing don't worry
Keira - okayyyyy (she gets up to get a drink)
Y/n - soooo alessia what club do you play for
Alessia - United
Y/n - ohhh
G - y/n is a huge city fan
Y/n - yep (you laugh) I've got blue blood
Alessia - whattt United are so much better than city
Y/n - beg to differ
Alessia - ima have to fight you on that one
Y/n - is that so
Alessia - yep Manchester is red I don't care
Y/n - nope it's definitely blue
Alessia - keep dreaming it's red (she winks and walks away into her room)
G - are you flirting with alessia?
Y/n - what no I'm with Katie
G - well what was that then
Y/n - a friendly encounter (you roll your eyes)
G - looked like it
Y/n - it was
(Lucy comes in and hugs Keira from behind. You see Keira's face light up and you just smile)
Lucy - sorry I've been distant just had a lot going on
(She gives you a look and you just subtly nod)
Keira - it's okay. I've missed you
Lucy - I've missed you too ke ke (Keira turns round and hugs Lucy. You're so happy to see ke happy)
G - lesss (she shouts)
Alessia - yeah what's up
G - we're all going to go to the relax room for quiz night. You coming?
Alessia - yeah sure
Y/n - I'm just going to grab a hoodie and I'll be over
G - I can wait for you
Y/n - no it's fine go ahead
G - okay
(You go and grab a random hoodie out your draw and throw it on. You decide to give Katie a call)
Katie - hey princess
Y/n - hey baby I miss you already
Katie - I miss you too
Y/n - how was your flight
Katie - boring (she giggles) how's camp going?
Y/n - good, all the girls are lovely and I'm sharing a room with G so that's good
Katie - I'm glad your having a good time baby
Y/n - thanks mush
Katie - I'll ring you tomorrow okay
Y/n - yeah that's fine
Katie - I love you
Y/n - I love you more
(You end the call and head over to the relax room)

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