LDN ➡️ MAN x

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(You wake up and it's 6am. You have really bad cramps, Katie's still asleep but you get up. You realise you got your period and there's blood on the bed.)
Y/n - for fuck sake (Katie wakes up)
Katie - what's up darling
Y/n - that's what (you just point)
Katie - it's fine go get a shower and I'll sort it out
Y/n - sorry
Katie - don't be, go get a shower
(You're about to get in the shower. So you take your bandages of your arms)
Y/n - shit (you shout) babbbeee
Katie - (comes to you) what's up?
Y/n - come here
Katie - oh
Y/n - does it look infected ?
Katie - a little just get in the shower and I'll clean it and wrap it. If it gets any worse, we will just go the walk in centre tonight.
Y/n - okay
Katie - I'll go get ready then I'll be back
Y/n - okay (you get in the shower and it's stings so bad) owww fucking hell (you start crying)
(Katie nocks on the door)
Katie - is everything okay babe
Y/n - can you come in
Katie - but you're naked
Y/n - I don't care I need someone to talk to, to distract myself
Katie - oh ok I'll come in but I won't look
Y/n - Katie I literally don't care just come and talk to me please
Katie - okay I'm coming in (she can't stop staring at you)
Y/n - I know I said you could look, but I didn't say you could stare (you giggle) my eyes are up here
Katie - oh yeah sorry (she giggles) you're just so beautiful
Y/n - thanks mush. It hurts so bad
Katie - I know it does but it'll all be fine
Y/n - how do you know that
Katie - because I do (she pulls up her sleeves and shows you)
Y/n - sorry
Katie - it's fine don't worry that's all in the past, but I understand how you feel
Y/n - okay. Could you get me a towel please?
Katie - yeah here (she hands you a towel and leaves)
I'll come back in 10 to wrap your arms. I put your clothes on the bed for you and there's a hot water bottle too
Y/n - aww thanks angel
Katie - no worries (she goes downstairs)
(You're now dressed and just sat on the floor with your hot water bottle. Katie comes up.)
Katie - why you sat on the floor?
Y/n - because I don't have anywhere else to sit and I need to straighten my hair. I literally don't have the energy
Katie - why are you straightening your hair if you're just gonna run round a pitch
Y/n - I wanna look nice for my debut
Katie - you always look beautiful though
Y/n - thanks
Katie - come here I'll straighten it for you
(She sits behind you on the floor and straightens your hair and then puts it in a ponytail)
Y/n - I actually can't believe you're sat there in my brand new tracksuit
Katie - I always get my way
Y/n - it's so nice though, and it costed me like £250
Katie - I know I might keep it
Y/n - no you aren't
Katie - I am
Y/n - aren't
Katie - (giggles) I suppose you can have it back then
Y/n - aww how nice of you (you say sarcastically)
Katie - right let's sort your arms out then we can go
Y/n - okay
(Katie has finished wrapping your arms up)
Katie - right that should be okay. I have some thermals in my kit bag so you can wear them under your shirt if you want
Y/n - okay thanks. Oh and I was wonderingggg
Katie - whattt
Y/n - can we go in your car instead of on the coach
Katie - why?
Y/n - because there's somewhere I want to go in manny and we can go IKEA on the way back. Your car is bigger than mine.
Katie - I don't wanna drive that far though and it means we have to leave right now
Y/n - I know but please. I'll drive half way
Katie - okay but your driving us to Beth's first to get my car
Y/n - fine let me just pack my bag and we can go
Katie - okay I'll wait in the car, so lock up
(You pack your bag and lock up getting in the car. You drive to the girls house but they're already at The Emirates so you just leave your car there and get into Katie's ready to leave)
Katie - have you got everything?
Y/n - yeah
Katie - okay let's go
(You get your note pad and pen out)
Katie - what's that for
Y/n - I'm going to right a list for when we go shopping later so we don't forget anything
Katie - okay but I know full well you aren't going to stick to that list
Y/n - I know but then I also don't forget what we need
Katie - okay go on then
Y/n - okay so we need to choose a couch
Katie - yeah I was thinking we should get one of those round ones
Y/n - ooo yeah I'll write it (Katie giggles)
Katie - okay what else
Y/n - we need 3 TV's
Katie - why three ?
Y/n - living room, your room and my room
Katie - I don't want one
Y/n - you sure ?
Katie - yeah just get two
Y/n - okay
Katie - I know what I do want tho
Y/n - ok shoot
Katie - Yano those TV's you can get for the bathroom
Y/n - why would we need one of those ?
Katie - so I can watch TV in the bath obviously
Y/n - right okay (you both laugh) we need a dish set for the kitchen because we literally have two bows two plates and some cutlery
Katie - okay yeah write that down
Y/n - I am. We need more towels, two desks and two chairs for our office as well. Ooo we should get MacBooks for the office
Katie - y/n I don't have the money to buy one of them
Y/n - you do
Katie - I know I do (she laughs) but I'd rather save my money and use my shitty laptop
Y/n - okay (you both are laughing) what else
Katie - a fridge
Y/n - we already have a fridge
Katie - true but I want one of those cool ones where you can listen to music and watch YouTube on them
Y/n - okay fine. I need to get a bookshelf for my room because G is shipping all of my books over soon.
Katie - I never knew you were a little nerd
Y/n - well now you do (you laugh)
Katie - is that everything ?
Y/n - no there's so much more
Katie - like what?
Y/n - I wanna get an Xbox
Katie - why on earth do you need an Xbox ?
Y/n - I gave mine to G when I left. I want one to play FIFA so I need to buy that as well and two controllers
Katie - if you say so
Y/n - okay we also need to buy a football goal with nets for the back garden
Katie - oh my god yess
Y/n - I think that's it, oh I need to get you new bedding and that's it apart from just some decor for around the house to make it more homey
Katie - okay cool
Y/n - can I put on some music
Katie - sure baby here (she passes you the aux)
Y/n - thanks my love (you just put on calm songs and end up falling asleep for the next two and a half hours. You get woken up by Katie and you're at a rest stop on the motorway)
Katie - hey princess did you sleep okay?
Y/n - yeah
Katie - I stopped of because it's half way. Are you okay to drive the rest of the way, because if you can't I can and then you can drive back.
Y/n - no it's fine but I want a coffee and I need the toilet so can we go inside quickly
Katie - yeah but we need to hurry. We have about 3 hours to get there and our sat NAV says we have about 2 hours left but I think it's wrong
Y/n - okay let's go then
(You both head inside, there is a costa so Katie goes and gets your coffee whilst you go to the toilet and you both head back to the car)
Katie - I got you something
Y/n - aww what is it
Katie - whilst I was waiting for your coffee I went in WHSmith because I was bored and I saw this and I thought you might like it
(She hands you a book called burn after writing)
Y/n - omg I love it thanks baby (you give her a kiss)
Katie - it's ok now let's go
(You've driven about an hour and Katie is asleep but you're starting to feel really sick and you're in a lot of pain.you start crying but focus on the road. Katie wakes up)
Katie - what's up princess
Y/n - just got cramps. I actually feel like I'm going to be sick
Katie - oh babe you should've let me drive
Y/n - it was my idea to come in the car
Katie - I know but you aren't well
Y/n - I'll be fine can you just get me some paracetamol out of my bag. It's on the back seat
Katie - okay here (she pops two out and hands them too you. The rest of the way she just keeps her hand on your thigh making sure you're okay. You get of the motorway and are now in Manchester. You turn of the sat NAV)
Katie - why did you turn it off?
Y/n - I know where I am (you giggle)
Katie - oh yeah sorry forgot (she laughs)
Y/n - this brings back so many memories
Katie - you okay?
Y/n - yeah fine don't worry. Right we are here. Come on
Katie - finally (she grabs both your bags out of the car)
Y/n - we still have an hour you know, because the sat NAV was right. The girls aren't even here yet.
Katie - oh well we have nothing else to do.
Y/n - actually wait, we do
Katie - what?
Y/n - get back in the car baby
Katie - Ughh okay
(You both get in the car and you start driving)
Katie - were are we going?
Y/n - just somewhere
Katie - okay
(You arrive about 15 minutes away from the stadium)
Katie - which house is it?
Y/n - not exactly a house (you giggle then point)
Katie - BOXX2BOXX ? What even is that?
Y/n - a coffee shop obviously
Katie - of course it is (you giggle)
(You both head into the coffee shop)
Shelly - is that who I think it is?
Y/n - hey mum
Shelly - what are you doing here, you have grown so much
Y/n - I'm playing city today so I thought I'd come and give you and my other mum a visit. Where is she?
Katie - wait I'm confused? Mum?
Y/n - not actually my mum just a maternal figure. You'll soon realise that I have a lot of them. (You giggle) there was quite a few people who stepped in and helped me out when I was growing up.  I never really had a proper family so I sort of treat everyone like family, you know, like I see G as an older sister and Keira as my little sister and yeah I don't know
Katie - it's fine I understand you
Y/n - anyways where's mum?
Shelly - she's upstairs let me get her. (She goes in the back and shouts) Babe come down here. Someone's here to see you
Jill - I don't have the energy to see anymore fans just tell them I'm asleep or something
Shelly - babe trust me you'll want to come down. It's not a fan
Jill - ok I'm coming now (she comes down)
Y/n - there's my Queen of the Jungle
Jill - omg it's my baby. Come here (she hugs you so tight)
Y/n - mum I can't breathe
Jill - sorry princess. I've missed you so much
Y/n - I've missed you so much (Katie is just staring)
You okay there darling?
Katie - just a bit shocked. (She giggles)
Jill - take it you know who I am then
Katie - of course, former city and England player and you won I'm a celebrity like a month ago
Jill - yeah (she giggles) do you guys want a coffee
Katie - yes please
Y/n - yes and come sit with us I want to catch up.
Jill - of course I will
Shelly - okay well I'm going to head out and run some errands
(You hug her)
Y/n - I've missed you so much, I'll see you soon
Shelly - I love you
Y/n - I love you too mum
(She leaves and you Jill and Katie sit together with a coffee. You're just catching up)
Jill - so why you girls in Manchester then?
Y/n - arsenal vs city in about 20 minutes
Jill - aww it's your debut I just remembered
Y/n - do you want to come ? I have extra tickets
Jill - sorry y/nickname I have to look after the shop.
Y/n - can you not just close for the hour
Jill - I'd lose an hour of business
Y/n - how much do you make in an hour?
Jill - why?
Y/n - just curious
Jill - ranges from around £50-£100
(You get out your purse and take out £100 pound putting it in front of her on the table)
Jill - what's that for?
Y/n - I want you at my game. I haven't seen you in a year
Jill - okay I get that but take your money back
Y/n - it's for your hour that you lose
Jill - I don't want your money
Y/n - well I don't want it back. Just take it please. I probably owe you like 10x that.
Jill - okay let me go get my bag and the keys so I can lock up.
Y/n - okay well we will just meet you there. I'll wait in the car park for you
Jill - okay see you in a minute princess
Y/n - bye
Katie - bye
(You both get in the car and you're driving back)
Katie - I have never been more confused
Y/n - why (you laugh)
Katie - so much just happened in the past 40 minutes
Y/n - true sorry I would've given you a heads up but it was like a spur of the moment thing
Katie - it's fine darling don't worry
Y/n - okay (you both laugh)

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