chaos x

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(It's the next day and you have just woken up, so you get dressed and head downstairs)
Y/n: morning beffy
Beth: morning gorgeous
y/n: what's your plans for the day then
Beth: not much, I was going to see whether you wanted to go shopping later if you're not busy
y/n: I have got a few errands to run this morning, but I'm free at 1 for the rest of the day
Beth: okay cool well just message me and I'll meet you at the shopping centre and we can grab lunch or something
y/n: perfect okay I'll see you later then
Beth: bye
(You head out and go to Ed's café)
Ed: Hey sweetheart you're back
Y/n: I am, it's so good to see you (you give him a hug)
Ed: so, what can I get for you
Y/n: my usual please
Ed: no worries, I'll bring it over
(You sit at your usual seat by the window and decide to phone G)
G: Hey beautiful
Y/n: Hi G
G: are you okay
Y/n: yeah, I'm good you?
G: yeah great. How was it going back?
Y/n: It was good, I'm happy I get to be back around the girls to be honest
G: and Katie?
Y/n: It's awkward, like I knew it obviously would be. She's back with rue and that kind of breaks my heart
G: you really love her don't you
Y/n: with my whole heart and I'd do anything to get her back, but my priority is the baby now and if she's happy that's all that matters
G: but are you happy?
Y/n: I am you know, I've never felt so good in my life
G: I'm so proud of you. You're literally glowing
Y/n: thankyou bby
G: oh, did you end up telling Beth?
y/n: yeah, I did, she's happy. Everything is perfect
G: good I'm glad
Y/n: I have something to ask you
G: okay shoot
Y/n: me and Beth have decided to have a joint gender reveal and I was wondering-
G: I'll be there, you don't have to ask, I wouldn't miss it for the world
y/n: thankyou g
G: no worries my girl, right I'm off because I have training but speak to me later yeah?
Y/n: yeah course, I love you
G: forever and always
Y/n: always and forever
(You end the call and Ed comes over)
Ed: one hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows
Y/n: thankyou
Ed: and here, a cupcake with pink sprinkles
y/n: you're the best
Ed: only for my favourite customer (he goes to walk away)
Y/n: wait Ed sit, I need to tell you something
Ed: oh, okay what's up (he sits down facing you)
Y/n: I may have found you a new regular
Ed: do I know them?
Y/n: not yet, but you will do in about 6 months (you hand him the baby scan)
Ed: aww y/n, I'm so happy for you
Y/n: thankyou
Ed: so, do you know the gender?
Y/n: not yet, but I'm having a joint gender reveal with my friend, you know Beth
Ed: aww yes
Y/n: you and sue are welcome to come, it'll be at mine and Katie's place
Ed: aww I appreciate the invite, we will be there
(You both carried on chatting for about an hour until you left, and you are now at the emirates stadium as you need to tell Jonas)
Gio: oh my god guys, y/n's back
(She runs and hugs you jumping on you)
Y/n: careful girl (you giggle) I've missed you too
Rafa: how have you been (she hugs you)
Y/n: great how have you all been?
Rafa: good
Jen: oh my god (she walks over)
Y/n: ahh jenny (you jump on her giving her a hug)
Jen: are you back for good?
Y/n: not quite
Jen: what do you mean?
Y/n: well, I'm back living here for good, but I can't play for a while
Jen: how long?
Y/n: 6-7 months
Jen: what the fuck, why?
Y/n: I've done my hamstring in (you lie)
Jen: shit girl
Y/n: I know but I'll be back before you know it
Jen: good, we've all missed you
y/n: I've missed you too my girls
(You all do a group hug)
y/n: right, I have to go speak to Jonas, but I'll be at the game on Sunday
Gio: okay, bye (she hugs you)
(You knock on Jonas's door and Leah walks out)
Leah: y/nnn!!!
y/n: oh my god le le (she jumps on you to hug you) shit careful
Leah: sorry, you, okay?
Y/n: yeah, I need to speak with Jonas, I'll catch you later yeah?
Leah: sure
(You go into Jonas's office and take a seat)
Jonas: It's nice seeing you y/n
Y/n: you too
Jonas: so, what do you need to speak to me about?
y/n: I'm going to need 6-7 months out
Jonas: absolutely not, you already left for 3 months
y/n: I don't really have an option
Jonas: why?
y/n: I am pregnant
Jonas: you're?
y/n: yeah
Jonas: congratulations
y/n: thanks, and please don't tell anyone
Jonas: I won't, but unfortunately, I am going to have to send you on loan
y/n: what!!
Jonas: I'm sorry y/n, but you walked out on this team for 3 months and now you need another 6 off. I've told you this once and I'll tell you it again, you're one of the most valuable members on this team. You play like no one I've ever seen before, you're on of the best, but as much as I want and need you on this team, at this moment in time the owners won't have someone here who isn't fully committed.
Y/n: what is the point in sending me on loan? It's not like I can play for 6 months
Jonas: I'm sending you on loan for a year y/n, I do want you on this team, so you'll only play with another team for 6 months. It's the best I can do, it's what the owners want.
Y/n: I understand, I guess. What teams want me?
Jonas: Man city, Aston Villa or Chelsea
Y/n: How long until I have to make the decision
Jonas: 2 days, I'm sorry
y/n: It's not your fault it's mine. I appreciate everything you have done for me Jonas.
Jonas: It's okay
y/n: would I be able to come to the game with you guys Sunday, you know one last game sort of thing, even though I won't be playing (you giggle)
Jonas: I would love that, the coach leaves here at 7am
Y/n: okay thank you so much, I'll get vanessa to let you know what I decide to do.
Jonas: no worries, and you best bring the little one to see their uncle Jonas when they're born
Y/n: I will don't worry (you hug him)
(You leave and as you walk out you bump into Katie, her elbow goes into your stomach)
y/n: shit (you lean over with your hand on your stomach)
Katie: fuck, I'm sorry y/n are you okay?
y/n: I'm fine, I have to go (you brush her off)
(you get in your car and go to meet Beth in the shopping centre. You call her whilst you're outside to see where she is)
Y/n: hey, I'm outside where are you?
Beth: McDonald's
Y/n: of course (you giggle), I'll be two minutes
(You go inside and meet her)
Y/n: hey pretty lady
Beth: hey gorgeous (you sit down)
Y/n: ow shit (you put your hand on your stomach)
Beth: what's up? Are you okay?
Y/n: yeah, I've had this mild pain in my stomach for the past week but like it's been bearable, so I just left it, but Katie nocked into me before and now I'm in agony.
Beth: you need to get seen, who's your midwife?
Y/n: I don't have one, I've only seen a random doctor once, I was planning on finding one when I got here.
Beth: I'll book you an urgent appointment with my midwife Louise today
Y/n: is she good?
Beth: she's the best
Y/n: I'm scared beffy, I can't lose another baby
Beth: I will be with you every step of the way okay. You've got me and Keira and G
Y/n: I know
Beth: I'll ring her now
(Beth gets on the phone with her midwife)
Beth: she wants to know whether you need to be seen right now, because she has an appointment at half 7 tonight, but if you need to be seen right away, she'll fit you in
Y/n: no half 7 is good
Beth: okay (she gets of the phone) do you want me to come with you tonight?
y/n: please
Beth: of course
(You both order food and have a long conversation whilst eating, you love talking to Beth because she always knows what to say and how to take your mind of the bad shit that's going on)
Beth: so, I had a conversation with Viv this morning and it's supposed to be a secret, but I feel the need to tell you
Y/n: okayyyyy?
Beth: so, Viv was speaking to Katie last night
y/n: okay and?
Beth: she's still in love with you, like madly in love with you
Y/n: oh
Beth: she said that you coming back made her realise that all her feelings for you are still there
y/n: but she's with rue (you just look at the floor, you can't help but feel even more heartbroken. Beth notices you're upset)
Beth: right, change of topic
Y/n: okay (you gently smile)
Beth: so, what you wanting, a boy or girl?
y/n: I'm honestly not fussed as long as it's a happy healthy baby
Beth: come on you must have your heart set on one gender
Y/n: honestly, I don't (you giggle)
Beth: okayyy
Y/n: so, have you and Vivianne thought about names yet?
Beth: we have already chosen one for each gender
Y/n: and they are?
Beth: I can't tell you (she laughs)
y/n: that's not fair
Beth: hey, I tell you everything, but this is Viv's baby as well, she wants to keep this one thing a secret so I will at least honour her one wish (you giggle)
Y/n: fair enough
Beth: I'll tell you some that were strong contestants if you want (she laughs)
Y/n: yessss
Beth: okay so for a girl we had, Ivy, Esme and Bella
y/n: aww stop they're so cute
Beth: I know and for a boy we had, Levi and Alex
Y/n: well, I love them all, so I have high hopes for baby b's actual name
Beth: have you got any names?
Y/n: no, I haven't thought about it yet
(You and Beth carry on chatting and then go shopping)
Y/n: I need to pick up loads of hoodies, cause that's what I'm going to be living in for the next 2-3 weeks (you giggle)
Beth: fairs come on

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