Home sweet home x

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(It's two days later and you and Beth are just chilling on the sofa, you had fallen asleep about an hour ago and you've just woken up)
Katie: hey princess did you sleep well
Y/n: Katie (you lift your head up and realise you've been led on Katie. You jump up and hug her)
Y/n: when did you get here ?
Katie: about half an hour so I swapped places with Beth and let you sleep a little longer
Y/n: I've missed you so much
Katie: I've missed you too (you give her a kiss)
Y/n: I know I said I wanted to talk about everything when we got home but can we just move past that and forget about it all. I trust that you didn't mean any of it. But I swear if you do anything like that again then I will kill you McCabe
Katie: oooo scary
Y/n: I'm serious
Katie: I know, I know I'm sorry baby
(You both kiss)
Y/n: Ughh I never wanna leave you again. I've missed you way too much
Katie: Look who's being a mush (she grins)
Y/n: be quiet
Katie: where's befffyyy, I got her a present
Y/n: she's in the office making vivs surprise
Katie: okay come on (she grabs a gift box out of her suitcase and goes to the office) hey beffy
Beth: ayyy Katie you're back (she hugs her)
Katie: yep here I got baby b a little present
Beth: aww thankyou, you didn't have too
Katie : I wanted too, go on open it
Beth: are you sure you don't wanna wait until viv knows
Katie: no go on
(She opens the box)

 I've missed you way too muchKatie: Look who's being a mush (she grins) Y/n: be quiet Katie: where's befffyyy, I got her a present Y/n: she's in the office making vivs surprise Katie: okay come on (she grabs a gift box out of her suitcase and goes...

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Beth: aww katie that's so thoughtful thankyou. I love it
Katie: check what's at the bottom

(You burst out laughing) Y/n: of course Beth: I love it (she's laughing) Katie: new you would (she giggles) okay I'm gonna go get a shower Beth: bye and thankyou again Katie: no worriesY/n: what times viv home?Beth: in one hour Y/n: ahhhh I can't ...

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(You burst out laughing)
Y/n: of course
Beth: I love it (she's laughing)
Katie: new you would (she giggles) okay I'm gonna go get a shower
Beth: bye and thankyou again
Katie: no worries
Y/n: what times viv home?
Beth: in one hour
Y/n: ahhhh I can't wait. So what's the plan?
Beth: I can't keep secrets from her so I'm pretty much gonna tell her as soon as she gets in. I want you to secretly film it for me if that's okay
Y/n: I'd love too yesss I can't wait okay I'm gonna go get changed into some comfy pyjamas and then I'll be back down
Beth: okayyyy
Y/n: in a bit baby b (you put your hand on her stomach and then leave)
(You go upstairs and join Katie in the shower)
Katie: hmmm what are you doing in here then
Y/n: just wanted to spend some time with you that's all (you wink at her)
Katie: is that so?
Y/n: mhmm (you both kiss)
(You've just gotten changed and vivs back so you and Katie go sit down at the kitchen island whilst viv and Beth are on the sofa. Beth gives you a nod so you pull out your phone to record)
Beth: babe I need to tell you something
Viv: is everything okay
Beth: yeah I just know that I can't keep secrets from you for long so I'm telling you now
Viv: you're scaring me
Beth: it's fine don't worry. Here (she hands viv the box to open. As she opens it she bursts into tears)
Viv: we're having a baby?
Beth: yeah are you happy?
Viv: yeah (she's just balling and hugs Beth so now they're both crying)
Beth: I can't wait
Viv: me too
Beth: you're going to be the best mum ever
Viv: and so are you darling
(They both kiss so you end the video)
Y/n: congrats guys (you hug them both)
Viv: you knew didn't you (she grins)
Y/n: maybe (you giggle) aww I'm so happy for you guys
Katie: me too (she hugs them)
(You've all been chilling on the couches for a while talking)
Y/n: I'm off to bed guys
Katie: same
Viv: night
Beth: goodnight
Y/n: night baby b (you put your hand on her stomach and go up to bed)

Viv: what day did you find out?
Beth: Saturday
Viv: oh okay. You did good at keeping that a secret from me
Beth: I know it was so hard, especially with what happened Sunday
Viv: why? Is everything okay? What happened?
Beth: I woke up and was so sick and like I thought it was just normal morning sickness but then that night I got like the worst cramps and I started bleeding
Viv: you were bleeding and you didn't think to ring me? Is the baby okay?
Beth: I didn't want to scare you and yes the baby is fine apparently it was something to do with my hormones but I should make an appointment with our midwife this week
Viv: okay I'll ring tomorrow
Beth: thankyou baby. I was so scared that night you know like I genuinely thought I was gonna lose the baby. Then I saw it on the little screen and it was honestly the cutest little thing ever and I heard the heartbeat aswell
Viv: I'm sorry I wasn't with you, but now I know, I'll be with you every step of the way I promise
Beth: I love you
Viv: I love you too
Beth: when are we gonna tell everyone?
Viv: whenever you're ready
Beth: I think we should tell close family and the girls first and then post it on social media but I wanna wait until at least the 12 week mark. I don't want anymore scares
Viv: that's fine darling (she kisses her)
Beth: anyways what you wanting? A little boy or girl
Viv: erm a little girl
Beth: really? I thought you would've wanted a boy
Viv: I want a little girl so then it'll have your beautiful eyes
Beth: awww
Viv: so why's y/n calling our baby, baby b?
Beth: long story short when we found out I was like "aww I have a little baby in my belly" and she was like "it's more of a blob" so she started calling it baby b which stands for baby blob (they're both laughing)
Viv: absolutely not. She can't go round calling our child baby blob
Beth: she's changed it to baby b because it's probably the size of a little bee right now and I actually like baby b. It's cute
Viv: okay okay (they both giggle)

Your prospective:
(You're lying in bed with frozen on singing along with the songs)
Katie: I love it when you sing
Y/n: mush
Katie: That video of you on the bus the other day was amazing
Y/n: oh my god do you know after all the girls posted that I got about 50 emails of cruislines and westend and performance companies and loads of producers and shit offering me to work for them
Katie: are you serious?
Y/n: yeah no joke like some of them are a lot of money aswell
Katie: what's your best offer?
Y/n: Disney cruise for 1 year, around £6-7000 a month and all my accommodation is free and everything so basically I'd sing 4-5 nights a week and I'd be earning up to £84,000 for literally travelling the world for free
Katie: that's mad. Have you thought about taking the offer
(You laugh and she just stares at you)
Y/n: oh you're serious
Katie: it's a good offer
Y/n: I know but I love football and I love it here
Katie: I know but it's a good opportunity
Y/n: you're making it sound like you want me to go
Katie: I'm not I'm just saying that it's a once in a life time opportunity
Y/n: right whatever
(You storm downstairs and make yourself a glass of water. You go out in the garden and sit on the outdoor couch)
Beth: hey girly, you mind if I join you?
Y/n: yeah sure. Did I wake you?
Beth: no I couldn't sleep I just feel uncomfortable and then I heard you storm off so I thought I'd come check on you
Y/n: baby b why you making mummy uncomfortable (Beth laughs)
Beth: do you have to talk to the baby about every little thing?
Y/n: yeah I do. Then baby b will get used to my voice and know who their best auntie is
Beth: you're cute
Y/n: I know
Beth: so spill, come one why'd you storm off
Y/n: so you know when I sung the other day on the coach and all the girls posted it
Beth: yeah?
Y/n: well I got some huge offers of different companies to work for them
Beth: that's cool
Y/n: yeah so I was telling Katie about them and she asked what my best offer was. I told her it's Disney cruises for one year and I'd earn about £85,000
Beth: what the fuck
Y/n: I know
Beth: so what did she say
Y/n: she was asking wether I wanted to go or not and when I said no she kept going on about how much of a big opportunity it is like she wanted me to go
Beth: well what's wrong with that
Y/n: she's supposed to want me to stay and tell me how much she doesn't want me to leave her
Beth: well I get that but she's just looking out for you and I kind of have to agree with her. You love Disney, you know every word to every film ever made, you have more Disney teddies than any normal person I know in fact you have more than any child I've ever met and you're made for that job. As much as I'm saying I think you should go I do want you to stay but it's your decision at the end of the day. We all just want the best for you.
Y/n: I know (you smile at her)
Katie: you mind if I join yous? I brought blankets
Y/n: of course you can (you sit up and pat the spot next to you for her to sit down)
Katie: where's viv
Beth: asleep
Katie: obviously (you giggle)
Y/n: I'm sorry for storing off babe and I will think into it but not now. I've only just joined arsenal so I want to have at least one more good year playing before I look into anything else
Katie: I understand
Beth: Yeah that's a good idea
Y/n: okay good (you smile. You lean your head on Katie's shoulder and shortly fall asleep)
Beth: she's too talented
Katie: I know that's one of the many reasons why I love her so much
Beth: you need to get down on one knee alr (she giggles)
Katie: I'm planning on it
Beth: wait really?
Katie: yeah
Beth: awww yesss. Are you not scared she'll take this offer though?
Katie: well yeah I love her so much and I obviously don't want her to leave but if she does I'll support her because she deserves to go on to such big things
Beth: yeah I get you
Katie: anyways I best carry her up to bed. Are you okay here?
Beth: yeah I'm gonna head up myself anyways
Katie: okay goodnight (she picks you up and carries you to bed)

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