Dad x

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(As you're about to arrive, you start to tear up and Katie puts her hand on your thigh, instantly calming you)
Katie - it's okay baby don't cry
Y/n - it's just been a while since I've been here
Katie - I know darling, you're so strong. Do you wanna go on your own or do you want me to come ?
Y/n - could you just give me 20 minutes and then come
Katie - yeah that's fine princess
(She passes you the bag and you slowly walk over to your dads grave. You talk to him as if he is still here with you)
Y/n - hey pops I've missed you.
(You take out the old flowers and throw them away. Then you use the scissors to quickly clean up the grass and then wipe down the small headstone. You put in the new bright blue flowers you bought him)
Y/n - blue for city dad. (You giggle but you're still crying) I wish you could be here right now. I'm playing for arsenal and I have a girlfriend Katie who makes me really happy.I live in a beautiful house with Katie it's like nothing I've ever seen before it's so beautiful and you'd be so so proud pops. I scored on my debut for arsenal earlier, it was a beauty I can't lie (you giggle) I still wear the bracelet you gave me every single game I play. I saw Ethan today that's where I got the eye from but that's nothing new. The day I'm free from him will be the happiest day of my life. England call ups are on Friday, I hope I get chosen. If I do I'll make you so proud poppa bear I promise you.
(You hear the car door slam and Katie is walking over to you. She sits behind you and hugs you)
Katie - you okay princess
Y/n - yeah thank you. I just cleaned it up a bit
Katie - I saw, it looks beautiful darling.
Y/n - I can't wait to get him a bigger headstone
Katie - what's wrong with that one?
Y/n - nothing but I bought that for £30 when I was 15 after getting my first ever wage. Now that I have quite a bit of money after saving up the past couple of years, I feel like my pops deserves a bigger headstone. He was the best dad ever, he deserves the most beautiful resting place.
Katie - I understand darling.
Y/n - I don't feel well
Katie - do you want to head off. I can always drive you back another day
Y/n - I would love that mush (you kiss her on the cheek)
(You both get up ready to go back to the car)
Y/n - love you pops (Katie holds your hand)
Katie - I'm so proud of you princess (you just stop and hug her tight)

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