Hold me x

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(You all arrive at the clinic and they've taken your weight, height and your bloods so now you're just sat waiting to be seen)
Y/n: I'm so nervous
Katie: you'll be okay, we're here, we've got you
Y/n: thanks for coming guys
Beth: like I said, we'll be with you every step of the way (you smile at her)
Louise: y/n y/l/n (she shouts so you all stand up)
Beth: hey lu (she gives her a hug)
Louise: hi Beth
(You all go into a little room and you sit on the bed)
Louise: so what is the issue
Y/n: I've been having this pain in my stomach for the past week or so but I didn't think anything of it until I nocked it today and the pain just became unbearable
Louise: so do you have a permanent midwife?
Y/n: not yet no, I've been travelling for the past three months so I've only just got home
Louise: okay well I'd be happy to be your midwife
Y/n: okay thankyou
Louise: so your bloods came back Normal and your height and weight are all good so I'm just gonna do a scan of your stomach and see if everything's okay
Y/n: okay
Louise: I'm just gonna apply some of the gel, it'll be quite cold (she starts to put the gel on your stomach and then scan your stomach, the baby comes up on the monitor and you let out a sigh of relief)
Louise: so where's dad?
Y/n: there is no dad
Louise: I'm sorry, I do apologise, I shouldn't have assumed
Y/n: no don't worry it's fine (you smile)
Louise: do you guys know the gender?
Y/n: no and please don't tell me (you giggle) me and Beth are having a joint gender reveal party in a couple of weeks
Louise: aww okay
Beth: does it feel weird that you know both of our baby's genders and we don't (she laughs)
Louise: I guess it's part of the job (she giggles)
Y/n: ow shit (you screech in pain)
Louise: hmm okay
Katie: is everything alright
Y/n: is my baby alright?
Louise: okay 2 minutes and I'll be back
(She leaves the room)
Y/n: I can't do this (you're crying)
(Katie grabs your hand)
Katie: you'll be okay, I've got you princess (she kisses the top of your head and you notice Beth smiling out of the corner of your eye)
(Louise comes back in)
Louise: sorry about that
Y/n: can you just tell me what's going on please, I'm really worried
Louise: okay so your baby is in the 10th percentile, percentile is basically the size your baby should be based on how far a long you're, however your baby is slightly small
Y/n: I'm confused, what does it mean?
Louise: it looks like your uterus isn't quite expanding the way it's supposed to so baby isn't able to fully grow properly
Y/n: so what will happen?
Louise: in most cases your body is just adjusting so your uterus will start to expand slowly which is most likely why you're in so much pain. It does also mean that baby could be premature if your uterus doesn't expand quickly enough
Y/n: is there anything I can do?
Louise: rest, take it easy. We will have to have weekly appointments to see if your uterus is expanding or not and wether baby is growing
Y/n: is my baby gonna die?
Louise: I really can't say, we just have to monitor you and baby for the next couple of weeks. I would suggest buying a doppler just to check baby's heartbeat once a day
Y/n: where can we get one of them?
Louise: usually online, or pharmacies, we do also sell them at the front desk
Y/n: okay thankyou
Louise: would you like this scan?
Y/n: yes please
(She prints it out and hands you the scans)
Louise: okay I'll see you in one week exactly at 1pm
Y/n: great thankyou
Katie: thanks
Beth: bye Louise, you're the best (they hug)
Louise: don't worry, I'll see you next week as well (she giggles and you all leave going to the car)
Katie: I'm just gonna go the toilet, I'll meet you guys in the car
Y/n: okay
(You get In the car)
Beth: I'm proud of you for coming, I know it's hard
Y/n: thankyou beffy
Beth: Katie really loves you, I'm happy that's she's stepping up and being there for you. Yous will be such a cute little family
Y/n: okay beffy (you giggle and Katie gets in the car)
Katie: here, I got you this
Y/n: what is it?
Katie: a doppler, she said you needed one (she smiles)
Y/n: how much did that cost you?
Katie: it's doesn't matter
Y/n: how much (you stare at her)
Katie: £65
Y/n: I'm transferring you the money back
Katie: absolutely not, look I wanted to okay. You need it. Just let me buy you something for once without you complaining I've spent money on you
Y/n: okay, thankyou (you kiss her on the cheek)
Katie: it's fine
(You all go home)
Viv: does someone wanna tell me why I've been sat here for two hours alone because no one would answer my messages. I went to get a shower, I came back down and you were all gone. Like what the fuck!
Beth: shit I'm so sorry babe, we were just seeing Leah
Y/n: Beth you don't have to lie, just tell her
Viv: tell me what?
Beth: y/n's pregnant
Viv: you what!! Oh my god congratulations!!!
(She hugs you)
Y/n: thanks Vivianne
Viv: so where were you guys ?
Beth: we went to see Louise
Viv: is everything okay
Beth: it will be
Y/n: I'm off to bed, night guys (you storm upstairs, get into your pyjamas and into bed)
(Someone nocks on the door)
Y/n: come in
Katie: it's just me, I brought you a glass of water, some fruit and some paracetamol
Y/n: aww thankyou
Katie: no worries, is it still okay for me to sleep in here?
Y/n: of course
Katie: okay I'm just gonna get changed and I'll be back
(She gets into her pyjamas and then gets into bed but keeps space between you both, you put on the lion kind and mid way through you start crying)
Katie: heyy, you okay?
y/n: can we turn this off
Katie: of course (she turns it off) what's up, talk to me
y/n: I'm just worried, it's like my body hates me
Katie: this is not your fault
y/n: it is though, maybe it's a sign that I'm just not cut out to be a mum
Katie: don't say that, you'll be the best mum
y/n: nothing ever goes the way I want it to, it should've been us, that's how I imagined it, we got married and had two kids and everything was perfect, but now look
Katie: I know it's not what we planned but everything happens for a reason
y/n: I'm just so tired (you're literally balling) I just don't have the energy
Katie: It's okay, you'll be fine (she wipes the tear of your cheek)
y/n: I'm so stressed, and I spoke to Jonas today and he's sending me on loan
Katie: wait what, to where?
Y/n: I have the choice of villa, city or Chelsea 
Katie: what are you thinking?
y/n: Villa is out of the question
Katie: okay and out of the others?
y/n: well I'm not sure, I'm there for a year which means I'll have the baby for six months at that club so I have to think what's the best option for me and a baby, part of me is thinking Chelsea so I'm close to all of the girls and beffy and you, but part of me is thinking city, it'd be easier being closer to my mums and just being at home to be honest
Katie: what's gonna happen with us?
y/n: look I don't know, I'm so stressed and confused, but all I know is that I love you
Katie: and I love you, and I will love the baby just as much
y/n: I just feel like I'm dropping a baby on you though
Katie: you're not, I want you in my life and if that means a baby as well then so be it
y/n: I don't know
Katie: do you want me in your baby's life?
y/n: more then anything, I don't want my child growing up with one parent 
Katie: it won't I promise
y/n: ughh, I'm just so tired of this all
Katie: why don't you try get some sleep yeah? We have a day of tomorrow
y/n: I'm too worried to go to sleep
(katie gets up and walks out the room and you're so confused but then she comes back in)
Katie: here (she holds up the doppler)
y/n: do you even know how to use that?
Katie: yeah the woman told me that when the light goes orange it's your heartbeat and when it goes green its the babies, If it goes red then it means there's an issue so you should probably get seen  
y/n: okay 
Katie: do you want me to do it?
y/n: yeah sure (you lift your top and she lies next to you and starts scanning your stomach)
Katie: okay orange, that's yours 
y/n: go a bit lower down here (you move her hand)
Katie: oh yeah green, awww see the baby is fine 
Y/n: thankyou 
Katie: (she puts her head on your stomach) hey little one, I know you don't know me very well, but I love your mummy very much and I would love to be your mum if you'd let me (she lifts her head up looking at you) I think they like me (you giggle)
y/n: you're cute mush 
Katie: I've missed you 
y/n: come here (she moves closer to you and you put your hand on either side of her face. You slowly and passionately kiss her. You instantly feel so safe and at home)
Katie: I love you so much 
y/n: I love you more than anything in this world (you give her a quick peck) can you just hold me until I fall asleep
Katie: come here (she moves and pats next to her, you lean your head on her chest and almost instantly fall asleep)

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