2 days later x

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(You wake up around 4am with Noah screaming, so you go in his nursery)
Y/n: hey baby mummy's here calm down (you pick him up) is my baby boy hungry? (You try feeding him but he doesn't take and is still screaming . You change his nappy as well but nothing is working, so you decide to put him in the pram and go on a walk. About 30 minutes later, Noah has settled so you go back home)
Katie: you are joking (she jumps off the couch as you open the door)
Y/n: what? (Her face is stained with tears)
Katie: you left without telling me. I rung you and you never answered
Y/n: calm down I've literally just got him to sleep. I must've left my phone
Katie: I was so worried. You can't just walk out and not let me know
Y/n: I know I'm sorry I never thought. I was just trying my best to get him to sleep (you walk closer to her and hug her. She leans into your shoulder crying)
Katie: I thought you left me again
Y/n: oh baby I'm so sorry. I promise I will never leave you again. I couldn't do that to you, Noah's yours as well you know that
Katie: I know I just panicked that's all
Y/n: sorry (you look up at her and give her a quick kiss) come on let's go to bed before he gets up again

(It's now around 7am and you wake up to Noah screaming yet again. So you go in his nursery and try everything as usual.)
Y/n: I can't do this (you tear up) somethings not right
(Katie walks in)
Katie: hey what's up princess? Why you crying?
Y/n: somethings not right K. He's not eating, he's sleeping all the time and when he is awake he's just crying. I know somethings wrong
Katie: okay well do you wanna go see Louise?
Y/n: yeah
Katie: okay here I'll take little man and you go get dressed.
(You all get in the car and go to the doctors office. Katie is carrying Noah in his car seat and you go to the front desk)
Y/n: hi our baby needs to be seen
??: what's the issue?
Y/n: he's constantly crying and won't eat
??: that's normal when baby's are little. There's no appointments today come back another time
Y/n: no I won't (you start shouting) this isn't normal, something isn't right and I want my baby to be seen now
??: I just said there's no appointments. It's normal in newborn babies. Go home
Y/n: you're joking right (you're screaming at this point) I'm telling you something isn't right now get me an actual doctor
Katie: babe calm down
(Louise comes out of her office)
Louise: what's all the shouting about... oh y/n, Katie is everything okay?
Y/n: no! Noah isn't alright, he needs to be seen and this stupid desk woman is telling us to go home
Louise: okay calm down, go into my office and I'll check Noah out
Y/n: thankyou (you turn to the desk women) and if there is anything wrong with my baby I'm gonna sue the shit out of you
(You both go into Louise's office and she takes Noah out of the car seat)
Louise: so what's been the issue?
Y/n: he won't take when I try to breastfeed and it's not like he doesn't know how to cos he was fine the first few weeks but all of a sudden he just doesn't want to and he's being sick and sleeping a lot. Constantly crying, but he just seems so worn out and he just looks like he's in pain all the time.
Louise: his hands and feet are so cold. Are they always like this
Y/n: most of the time yeah. Oh and he has this little rash, I just thought it was eczema but I'm not sure
(You pull up his baby grow to show her)
Louise: okay he's got a bit of a low temperature and he's shivering as well
Y/n: is everything okay?
Louise: I don't want you guys to panic but he's gonna need to go to hospital
Katie: what when?
Louise: right now (she's rushing putting him back in his car seat. She then picks up her phone) hi we need an ambulance out front asap. Newborn, low temp, cold hands and feet, shivering, oversleeping, not eating, very drowsy. Suspected meningitis
Y/n: what's happening? What's meningitis?
Katie: calm down babe
Y/n: no this is scaring me
(Louise rushes round grabbing the baby)
Louise: one of you can ride in the ambulance
Katie: you go babe
Y/n: no you go, I'll freak out
Katie: okay (she kisses you on the head and rushes out with Noah and Louise. You quickly go to the car and ring your mum on speakerphone as you drive to the hospital)
Jill: hey princess
Y/n: mum (you're crying your eyes out)
Jill: what's up baby?
Y/n: it's Noah. He's been rushed to hospital in an ambulance
Jill: what oh my god. What's happened
Y/n: they think he has meningitis
Jill: shelly (she shouts) get in the car now, we're going to London. Everything's going to be okay sweetheart, stay calm. Me and your mum will be with you as fast as we can
Y/n: I can't do this. It's my fault
Jill: no it's not don't say that
Y/n: it is. I new something was up. He's been acting different for the past week but I thought it was normal
Jill: you trusted your gut and you got him seen baby and that's all you could've done. Don't blame yourself okay. I love you so much
Y/n: I love you too. Okay I'm at the hospital now
Jill: okay I'll see you soon. Keep us updated
Y/n: I will do
(You get out of the car and rush into the hospital.)
Y/n: hi I'm looking for my son
??: what name?
Y/n: Noah McCabe
??: room 14
Y/n: thankyou
(As you get to the room you see Noah hooked up to loads of machines and you break down crying, falling to your knees. Katie sees you and rushes over hugging you)
Katie: it's gonna be okay princess
Y/n: look at him. What's okay about that
Katie: he's in good hands I promise
Y/n: is he gonna die?
Katie: hey don't think like that. Come on (she helps you up of the floor and you walk over to him grabbing his hand)
Y/n: hey sweet boy, mummy's here now (you kiss his head) did they say what's up with him?
Katie: he's got sepsis and meningitis (she says with tears falling down her face)
Y/n: no he's just a baby
(Katie comes and wraps her arms around you from behind)
Katie: he's got this baby, he's our strong boy, he'll come out of this
Y/n: yeah (she kisses you on the head)
(You and Katie have been sat with Noah for a few hours whilst doctors are coming in and out running tests on him and giving him medication)
You post this on instagram...

 Come on (she helps you up of the floor and you walk over to him grabbing his hand) Y/n: hey sweet boy, mummy's here now (you kiss his head) did they say what's up with him? Katie: he's got sepsis and meningitis (she says with tears falling down h...

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Y/n_y/l/n_03: @katiemccabe11 our sweet baby boy Noah, hasn't been eating recently and has been extremely poorly. I originally thought his symptoms were normal in newborns, until this morning when everything got too much and I realised something was definitely not right. I trusted my gut and me and Katie took Noah to be seen. The woman at the doctors office then told us to go home and that nothing was wrong with him after not even taking a look at him. That was until my incredible midwife Louise checked Noah out, after one look she rushed him to hospital in an ambulance. Noah has meningitis and sepsis, for someone like me who had absolutely no idea what that was until now, it was extremely scary and I felt very uneducated, people need to be made more aware about the symptoms. Meningitis is caused by germs and bacteria that gets into the blood stream, and sepsis is a reaction to the infection in the blood stream. Please be careful who you let around your newborns as they could have an infection and pass that to your baby. Please don't let anyone kiss your babies either as that is how infections spread easily as a newborns immune system isn't fully developed. Katie and I will be with Noah every step of the way, he is incredibly strong like his mamma so we have high hopes for his outcome. We will be sure to keep you guys all updated when we have the opportunity, however for now we would like some privacy to spend time as a family and really be there for Noah. For any mums out there who are in the same situation, please feel free to reach out, my DM's are always open, but please, please trust your motherly instincts and get your baby checked even if you have the slightest concern. Lots of love 🤍
@BethMead - stay strong my boy, you've got this 🫶🏻
@keirawalsh - sending lots of love sis, baby Noah has got this, auntie ke ke loves you little man xxxx
@gstanway - my precious boy, I love you to the moon and back, stay strong for auntie g 🤍
@vivmeidema - stay strong angel, always here for you guys 🤍
@leahwilliamsonn - auntie le le loves you baby boy ❤️

(You get a phone call)

Y/n: I'm just gonna nip outside and take this
Katie: it's okay I've got him
(You go outside the hospital and take the call.)
Jill: we're here, where should we go?
Y/n: I'm standing outside the front now mum
Jill: oh I see you
(She ends the call and runs over to you instantly hugging you. You burst out in tears crying her arms)
Y/n: mum I don't think I can do this
Jill: yes you can princess, you're strong
Y/n: he's hooked up to wires and there's tubes an - and
Jill: it's okay mummy's got you babygirl...

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