Game day x

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(You wake up and notice your phone is still on FaceTime)
Y/n: Katie
Katie: hey did you sleep okay?
Y/n: it was alright I guess, did you?
Katie: yeah and I got to wake up to your pretty face
Y/n: I'm still mad McCabe
Katie: okay okay (she giggles)
Y/n: where are you?
Katie: going on a team walk before training
Y/n: fair enough
Katie: what time you getting up?
Y/n: now (you laugh) g isn't even in bed so she's clearly already up ready
Katie: okay
Y/n: right I'm gonna get ready so I'll speak to you later
Katie: what no
Y/n: whatttttt
Katie: keep me on the phone
Y/n: okay
Katie: so are you excited for today then?
Y/n: yeah (you just look at the floor)
Katie: what's up?
Y/n: what happens when we're home?
Katie: what do you mean
Y/n: like what's gonna happen with us
Katie: as far as I'm concerned I still love you so much and I wanna be with you, I don't want anything to change but it's up to you whatever you decide.
Y/n: and if I decide to leave?
Katie: then I'll have to respect that, but it doesn't mean I won't fight for you everyday.
Y/n: you aren't gonna become a stalker like Ethan are you (you laugh)
Katie: if I have to I will (she laughs) no I'm joking but I do love you with everything I've got, and you're the best thing to ever come into my life, I can't lose you. I made a stupid mistake and I'm sorry about that and I'll prove to you that you can trust me everyday if I have to (you just smile at her and finish getting ready)
Y/n: morning g
G: who are you on the phone with
Y/n: Katie
G: oh hey
Katie: hey
G: wtf why does it say yous have been on call for 11 hours
Y/n: because we have (you laugh) right I'm going to go check on beffy but save a seat for me on the bus cos I wanna sit next to you and kei
G: okay
(You go round to Beth's apartment)
Y/n: hey beffy
Beth: hey
Katie: hi bethhhhh (she shouts)
Beth: Katie, did y/n tell you ?
Katie: yeah, congrats Meado (she whispers)
Beth: thankyou
Y/n: how is baby b this morning then?
Beth: better than yesterday. I was throwing up this morning but I feel fine now
Y/n: good
Katie: why baby b?
Y/n: long story (you laugh)
Beth: y/n wanted to call my baby, baby blob (they both start laughing)
Katie: you're actually crazy
Y/n: leave me alone. I like baby b
Beth: I like baby b too (she smiles)
Y/n: are you coming to the game today then?
Beth: yeah I'll come watch
Y/n: Katie are you watching the game?
Katie: yeah I will do
Y/n: okay, Beth I'm going but I'll see you on the bus. Bye baby b (you put your hand on her stomach and then leave)
Katie: you're more excited than Beth
Y/n: I love babies
Katie: I can tell
Y/n: well I never had a baby sibling or any nieces or nephews or anything so
Katie: fair point
Y/n: okay well I'm gonna go get some breakfast and get on the bus so I'll speak to you later
Katie: okay I love you
Y/n: I love you. (You end the call)
(You go to the canteen and get yourself a coffee and some fruit and sit down next to Leah)
Leah: hey girly
Y/n: hey you okay
Leah: yeah I'm alright. You excited to make your debut
Y/n: well that's only if sarina plays me so I'm not getting my hopes up
Leah: okay but Beth's out whichhhh means you could be on the starting 11
Y/n: don't be silly. Sarina would never put me on the starting line up
Leah: she might. Don't doubt yourself
Y/n: okay okay
(You finish breakfast and go get on the bus sitting next to g at a table with keira and Lucy facing yous)
Lucy: is Beth alright now?
Y/n: yeah she just has to take it easy for a week
Lucy: good good
Y/n: yeah (you yawn)
G: you tired still?
Y/n: yeah (g taps her shoulder so you lean on it and fall asleep for an hour. You've just woken up)
G: you feeling better now
Y/n: yeah
G: good
Y/n: what day do you go home?
G: tomorrow evening
Y/n: what about you two? (You look at Lucy and Keira)
Keira: tonight
Y/n: aww no. I'm gonna miss you so much ke ke
Lucy: aww thanks y/n
Y/n: I'm gonna miss you too luce (you giggle) I hate leaving yous
G: I hate leaving as well. Anyways what happened to not speaking to Katie until you got home
Y/n: I had to call her last night, I couldn't sleep and I love her you know. I can't help it
G: I know, but if she hurts you again I swear to god I will kill her
Keira: and I'll try but I probably won't get far, I'm too small (you all laugh)
Y/n: I know guys don't worry
(You all play cards and then lotte gets out her guitar)
G: come on y/n sing us a song
Y/n: no
Keira: please y/nickname, for me? (She pulls a cute face and you can't resist)
Y/n: okay but only one
G: get in
(You sing a Lana del ray song and everyone has their phones out recording you)
Beth: you're amazing y/n
Y/n: thanks beffy
Lucy: you should go on like Britains got talent or something
Keira: oh my gosh yessssss
Y/n: no thanks (you laugh)
Sarina: come on guys everyone off the bus its game time now so I want you all focused
(You all get off the bus and the fans all cheer you on and you head over to a young girl whose sign says "y/n you're my favourite, can I have your shirt?" )
Y/n: hi what's your name?
?: my names Ella
Y/n: that's a nice name. How old are you Ella?
Ella: I'm 5
Y/n: wow 5. Is this your mummy?
Ella: yep
Y/n: are you excited for the game?
Ella: yesss I can't wait. Can I have your shirt after?
Y/n: well you can't have my shirt because it's my debut however I can get you Keira's or georgias. Is that a good idea?
Ella: yesss can I have Keira's?
Y/n: where abouts are you sat? (You look at her mum)
?: the second row right at the front by the tunnel
Y/n: okay great after the game I'll come give you Keira's shirt and maybe I can sign yours. Does that sound like a plan?
Ella: yesss thankyou
Y/n: no worries. I have to go but I'll see you soon
Ella: bye bye
(Your heart is filled with so much joy that you're inspiring the next generation. You head into the changing room and get into your training kit)
Y/n: Keira is it alright if I have your shirt after the game?
Keira: yeah why?
Y/n: I wanna keep mine because it's my debut but I promised this little girl it
Keira: yeah that's fine just get me afterwards
Y/n: okay thankyou
Sarina: okay guys I have the line up,
Mary in goal then we've got hempo, Chloe, Alex and alessia up front, Keira, ella and Jordan in midfield, and then Leah, bronzey and millie in defence.
(Leah pats you on the back)
Leah: you'll get subbed on trust me
Y/n: if you say so (you don't get your hopes up but yous go out and train anyways)
England Vs Brazil
Kick off:
15' alessia Russo (1-0)
35' Rafaelle Souza (1-1)
(Just at half time Alex gets injured and has to come off. You all head into the changing room)
Sarina: y/n head out and start warming up. I'm subbing you on for Alex
Y/n: okay thanks (you hold yourself together but you're so excited)
56' Chloe Kelly (2-1)
78' Marta (2-2)
93' (Lauren takes a corner and you chip it in the net scoring an absolute screamer. You run over to the subs bench and make a heart to Beth) y/l/n (3-2)
Game ends (3-2) to England
(You all celebrate and you go over to Keira getting her shirt)
Y/n: thanks
Keira: no worries
(You head towards the tunnel and spot Ella)
Y/n: hey did you enjoy the game
Ella: yes you won it for us
Y/n: aww. Here I got you your shirt (you hand it her)
Ella: could you sign my shirt (she takes her coat of and turns around and she has your last name on her shirt. You sign it and take some photos with her)
Ella: thankyou so so much
Y/n: you're so so welcome (you giggle) would you like to come on the pitch with me Ella? (You look at her mum) would that be alright?
?: of course
(You lift her over the fence and you run about on the pitch with her for a while before taking her back to her mum and then heading over to Beth)
Beth: there's my star girl (she hugs you) what a debut that was
Y/n: thankyou. That goal was for you (you whisper in her ear) and baby b (she giggles)
Beth: thanks girly
Sarina: y/n, Alex wants you over there. An interview for sky sports I think
Y/n: okay I'll meet yous back on the bus
Sarina: okay
(You go over to Alex)
Alex: hi y/n thankyou for joining me. And can I just say what an incredible debut for England that was. How are you feeling?
Y/n: over the moon
Alex: your first game for England and you score a screamer like that. Wow. Player of the match was well deserved
Y/n: I won player of the match? (You giggle)
Alex: well there's no shock there. What a coincidence that everytime I see y/n she has won potm and she doesn't even know about it (she laughs) here's your trophy
Y/n: thankyou
Alex: is there anything else you wanna say?
Y/n: yeah of course. It was an incredible game with an amazing set of players. The win was well deserved and to all the young girls and boys out there just know you can achieve your dreams. This is the only thing I've dreamt of since I was a little girl and now look were I am
Alex: thankyou y/n, that means a lot. I'll see you soon
Y/n: bye al (you hug her and leave)
(You've just finished getting changed and you sit down ringing Katie)
Katie: there's my girl well done
Y/n: thankyou
Katie: you played so well. I'm so proud of you
Y/n: thankyou bby (katie smiles)
Katie: are you going home tonight
Y/n: yes
Katie: okay I'll be home in two days. Stay safe and ring me when you're home
Y/n: I will do. I love you
Katie: I love you too
(You end the call and head out to the bus sitting next to Keira)

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