Manchester x

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(It's the next day and you have just woke up so you get changed and do your makeup)
Y/n - Katie
Katie - what's up princess
Y/n - can you do my hair
Katie - yeah sure
Y/n - what are you doing today
Katie - me viv and Beth are going shopping I think
Y/n - what for ?
Katie - the girls want to buy a tv for their room and I thought I could get you some presents for your birthday tomorrow
Y/n - are they moving in or something? (You giggle)
Katie - I don't know but I wouldn't mind to be honest the house feels more homely with them here
Y/n - yeah fair enough. I don't want you getting me anything for my birthday
Katie - wait what?
Y/n - I just don't think I want to celebrate it this year
Katie - that's dumb. It's your 20th birthday tomorrow, you have to celebrate it
Y/n - i don't know babe
Katie - okay. What are you doing today then?
Y/n - going to Manchester
Katie - what for?
Y/n - to see my mums
Katie - is it really a good idea to go to Manchester though?
Y/n - it'll be fine I'll be with Shelly and Jill don't worry
Katie - okay but I want you to call me when you get there and if you need anything let me know yeah?
Y/n - I will I promise
Katie - okay your hairs done (she kisses you on the cheek)
Y/n - thanks my love
Katie - no worries I'm gonna go downstairs
Y/n - okay I'll be down soon
(You try ringing Keira again)
Y/n - hey
Keira - omg y/n
Y/n - ke are you okay?
Keira - yeah I'm fine. Daniel has gone out. He'll be back in a minute so we have to be quick
Y/n - okay. Are you okay though? You aren't hurt are you?
Keira - no I'm fine don't worry. I'm leaving tomorrow for camp anyways. I rang sarina and she told me early that I got in so I could leave.
Y/n - okay that's good. I rang last night but Daniel answered. He didn't give you shit over that did he?
Keira - no no it's fine stop worrying
Y/n - I'm always worrying about you my girl.
Keira - I know I know. When you get your call of sarina tomorrow ring me okay
Y/n - I will don't worry. You'll be the first to know
Keira - okay good I have to go he's outside. I love you so much
Y/n - I love you to princess. Always and forever
Keira - forever and always
(You ring G)
G - y/n it's 8am on my day off. Why are you up?
Y/n - it's 7 here so be quiet. I needed to tell you something anyways
G - what's up
Y/n - I rung ke and she answered
G - is she okay?
Y/n - yeah she's fine. She rang sarina, sarina said she's in the squad so she can leave tomorrow
G - okay that's good then
Y/n - yeah I just wanted to let you know she's okay
G - okay good I'm glad is that it?
Y/n - yeah
G - okay I'm going back to sleep then
Y/n - lazyyyy
G - I love you
Y/n - I love you always and forever (you roll your eyes)
G - forever and always
(You go downstairs)
Y/n - heyyy girlies
Beth - there's my girl (she runs and picks you up)
Y/n - ahhhh Beth
Katie - stop tryna steal my girl Meado
Beth - no she's mine
Viv - Katie do you wanna share a bed with me tonight then?
Y/n - it's not an episode of love island guys. You don't have to be jealous of me and beffy (you both laugh)
Katie - why would we be jealous
Y/n - oh you know... (you give Beth a little peck)
Katie - oi that's enough (Katie comes and grabs you off Beth)
Beth - calm down McCabe we're just work wives (she winks at you)
Katie - and is your fiancé okay with you kissing your work wife? (She stares at viv)
Viv - don't look at me (she throws her hands up) Beth go get ready we need to leave soon
Beth - okay bye my girl (she kisses you on the cheek and goes upstairs with viv to get ready)
Katie - what was that?
Y/n - what do you mean ?
Katie - you guys are all over each other
Y/n - we're always like that it's just banter
Katie - I just don't feel comfortable with you kissing another girl especially in front of me
Y/n - okay but it was only a joke and it was just Beth she's literally engaged to viv
Katie - okay but I'm just not comfortable with you guys kissing. You can have your little joke but kissing each other is going a bit far isn't it
Y/n - are you jealous McCabe
Katie - no I'm not jealous
Y/n - you're so jealous
Katie - ughhh shush
Y/n - come here (she comes over to you and grabs your waist you both make out passionately for a few minutes) okay I have to go
Katie - Ughh okay. Will you be back for dinner?
Y/n - I'm not sure yet I'll let you know
Katie - okay be safe and message me when you're there please
Y/n - I will. Promise (you kiss her and leave. When you get to the car you see a bag on the passenger seat with a note on it. It reads: have a safe trip princess. I've packed you some of your favourite things and some essentials for the journey. I love you so much. K x. You take a video of the note and the bag and put it on your instagram captioning it: isn't my girl the cutest 🫶🏻. You drive for about two hours and get a FaceTime from Katie so you answer)
Katie - hey
Y/n - hey baby
Katie - how is the drive
Y/n - alright I've just stopped for 10 minutes cos I have a bad headache
Katie - have you ate?
Y/n - not yet no
Katie - go in the bag I packed. There's fruit in the container and there should be a bottle of water and some paracetamol in there
Y/n - aww thanks beautiful.
Katie - it's fine. I know what you're like (you both laugh)
Y/n - I miss you
Katie - I saw you two hours ago
Y/n - I know but it's boring with out you
Katie - can you just say that again so I can screen record it and show everyone (you both laugh)
Y/n - be quiet. I'm serious I really miss you
Katie - i miss you too princess but you'll be home soon it's not like you've gone away for ages. Plus we go away for international break so we have to get used to being away from each other anyways
Y/n - I really hope I get chosen I need to see G and kei I miss them so so so much
Katie - I know you do my love and you will get chosen
Y/n - so how's your shopping going?
Katie - good I've got everything I need. Viv and Beth are just getting food
Y/n - ooo okay. What did you end up getting then?
Katie - not saying
Y/n - did you get me stuff for my birthday when I told you not too (you roll your eyes)
Katie - I might've done (she giggles)
Y/n - ughhh katieeee you shouldn't have
Katie - I'd be stupid not to. Got to spoil my princess on her birthday
Y/n - that was cringey
Katie - I know I just have myself the ick (you both laugh) I just want it to be special baby
Y/n - Thankyou
Katie - oooo look who's back (she turns the phone)
Y/n - befffyyyyyyy
Beth - my girllll. How's the drive
Y/n - good I'm half way there so going to set off soon
Beth - okay message me when you're there. Love you
Y/n - I will, love youuu (she turns the phone back)
Katie - when you leaving ?
Y/n - I'm going to set off now so I'll just message you when I'm there
Katie - okay princess drive safe
Y/n - will do
Katie - I love you
Y/n - I love you, bye
(It's about two hours later and you've just arrived outside of BOXX2BOXX so you go in)
Y/n - omg Owen, I watched you on I'm a celeb
Owen - haha yeah. Can I help you?
Y/n - do you work here?
Owen - no just helping out a friend
Y/n - ohhhh jill?
Owen - yeah do you know her?
Y/n - is she here?
Owen - yeah, you didn't answer my question though?
Y/n - mummmm (you shout. Jill comes running through)
Jill - I'd know that voice anywhere, there's my baby. I've missed youuuu
Y/n - you saw me the other day
Jill - I know (you both laugh)
Owen - erm... you have a kid (he looks confused) you never said
Jill - not biologically but I class her as my daughter (she looks at you and you almost tear up. You always say you see her as your mum but she's never said she classes you as her daughter so it really means a lot)
Owen - ohhhh I get you now. I was confused for a minute thinking you were hiding a secret child from me
Jill - no of course not. I've told you about her.
Owen - you have?
Jill - the footballer ? Y/n, y/l/n
Owen - shit I completely didn't even recognise you! I've seen you play. Could I get a photo ?
Y/n - yeah hahaha (you get a photo with him) send me it so I can post it. I'm a big fan (you laugh) I watch you on hollyoaks
Owen - aw thanks means a lot
Y/n - no worries
Owen - I'm gonna nip out Jill I'll be back soon
Jill - okay thanks for the help
Owen - anytime (he leaves)
Y/n - where's mum?
Jill - in bed
Y/n - it's 12 and she's still in bed?
Jill - she's not well
Y/n - why what's up with her?
Jill - think she just has a cold
Y/n - oh okay I'm going up
Jill - okay don't be ages I want to catch up with my girl
Y/n - I won't (you go upstairs and nock on the door)
Shelly - come in
Y/n - hey mum
Shelly - there's my girl. I've been waiting for you
Y/n - are you okay (you crawl into bed and give her a hug)
Shelly - yeah just got a cold or something
Y/n - do you need anything
Shelly - no I'm fine. Are you okay
Y/n - yeah I'm good
Shelly - well don't stay stuffed up here with me. Go spend time with your mum she has the day off anyways so if she tells you she needs to run the shop tell her I told you she needs to lock up and spend time with you (you giggle)
Y/n - I will. She said don't be ages so might just stay up here a while to wind her up (you laugh)
Shelly - come here (you cuddle up to her) I miss having you around everyday
Y/n - I know I'm glad I'm back
Shelly - me too. It's not the same. I miss having you wake us up at the crack of dawn to take you to training. I miss coming to your games and cheering you and jilly on and I just miss it all. Your room is so empty.
Y/n - I miss it too. Our little family. Have you not changed my room?
Shelly - of course not. It's exactly the same (you jump up)
Y/n - wait what
Shelly - it's your room. We didn't have the heart to change it, and no matter what if you ever need to come home you're still welcome. This is your home baby and it always will be wether you live here or not. Plus I was hoping that someday you would have some kids so me and jilly can babysit our little grandbabies and they can stay in your room.
Y/n - I love you so much mum. Thankyou (you giggle) and don't get ahead of yourself I'm only young so no baby's anytime soon
Shelly - go on
Y/n - what?
Shelly - go see your room. I know you're itching to go see it
Y/n - thankyouuu (you kiss her head and get up going to your old room. You open the door and all the memories come flooding back. Trophies on the shelves, medals everywhere. Old football kits, posters on the walls. Everything was how you left it. Even the same bedding was on the bed. You almost start crying. On the bed there's a gift wrapped up with a card. You open the card:
To y/n
Happy 20th Birthday
We are so so proud of you. You're the strongest girl ever and you deserve the world. We know your pops isn't here with us now but we know that he would be so proud of his babygirl and he is watching you every step of the way. From the little 16 year old who started playing for city with the braids in her hair and not having a clue what she was doing, to the most amazing beautiful woman who has played for incredible teams like Bayern Munich you have come so far and as much as we hate seeing our little girl grow up, we are so incredibly proud of the woman you're becoming. We hope you have the best birthday ever. We love you to the moon and back ❤️
Your chosen mums xoxo
You open up the gift and it's a frame with a picture of you and your dad in it at one of you games when you were little. You start balling. Jill walks in and hugs you.)
Jill - it's okay princess don't cry
Y/n - I miss him so much
Jill - I miss him too
Y/n - you didn't know him like I did, you just know what I've told you (Jill just stares at the floor) what aren't you telling me?
Jill - I did know your dad
Y/n - wait what?
Jill - me and shell both did
Y/n - since when? I'm so confused. Explain...
Jill - so I grew up with your dad. We went to primary school together and high school and we were the bestest of friends. Then obviously me and Shell got together and your dad and mum got together, but your mum always thought that I liked your dad so she made your dad promise he'd stay away from me. Your dad obviously didn't keep his promise and kept in contact with me every single day and most weekends he'd meet me and shell for coffee before work. He talked to me about you and showed me pictures. I knew what your mum was like, and so did he. I was there with him the day he passed. (She takes a deep breathe and you grab her hand holding it tight) he asked me to keep an eye out for you and look after you the best I could. I would go to your academy games and sit in the crowds with glasses and a hat on just to make sure you were okay. Then you stopped playing so I tried to come round one day to see if you were okay and your mum kicked off that I wasn't aloud to see you. Then I saw you were back playing a while later so I went to one of your games and took a video to show Gareth and then he went to one of your games and next thing you know. You were signed for city. I'm sorry I didn't tell you my girl. There was just never a right time and I was just trying to keep you safe and make sure you were loved.
Y/n - (you take a deep breathe) it's okay I understand.
Jill - you do?
Y/n - not fully (you giggle trying not to cry) but I will eventually. I'm just glad my pops had someone by his side. Does this mean you have pictures?
Jill - what do you mean?
Y/n - I don't have any pictures of my pops. My mum never had any around the house and I was too young to have a phone so I have nothing apart from the letters he wrote me
Jill - actually yeah I do and I might have some things of his you could have
Y/n - really ? (You tear up)
Jill - yeah move your legs (she grabs a box from under your old bed) here... (she opens it, it has your dads favourite t-shirt, his cap, and a stack of photos. You grab the t-shirt.)
Y/n - it still smells of him (you burst out crying)
Jill - he'd be so proud of you princess
Y/n - yeah
(You go through the stack of photos)
Jill - see there's him at mine and Shells wedding (she laughs pointing at the picture.) he did the worst speech ever and then afterwards claimed that he had the best speech (you laugh)
Y/n - of course he did (you tear up)
Jill - here have these (she hands you a few pictures of you and him from when you were a little baby. So many memories come flooding back)
Y/n - thanks mum this means the world to me
Jill - no worries darling. (She rummages through the box) there should be one more thing in here.
Y/n - what is it?
Jill - one sec it's not here let me ask Shelly. Shelly (she shouts walking into her bedroom)
Shelly- do you need to shout. I'm right here. What do you want?
(She comes back about 10 minutes later)
Jill - here you go beautiful (she hands you your dads bracelet)
Y/n - oh my god (you start crying again) I remember this. He never took it off. He wore it everyday. He said it was his good luck charm and every game I played he'd put it on my wrist and say "I'm passing my luck onto you princess, but I'll need it back after the 90 minutes" (you laugh.) If I didn't give it him back straight after the game he'd come looking for me saying I stole his magic. (You burst out laughing)
Jill - sounds about right. Look... (she points at her wedding photo)
Y/n - aww he let you wear it for your wedding
Jill - yep. Something borrowed. Until after when me and Shelly drove off and he realised I still had it. He got on his motorbike and followed us all the way to the airport. We had already gotten through security. Your dad couldn't let us go with the bracelet so thought it would be a smart idea to jump the security barrier to get it back. Let's just say he spent the night in a cell (she laughs)
Y/n - but he got his bracelet back (you both burst out laughing)
Jill - right come on, get up
Y/n - what why
Jill - it's your birthday tomorrow. We're going out tonight
Y/n - mummm I thought this was going to be a chill day
Jill - it was but I decided we should have some fun tonight. I've invited some of the city girls
Y/n - I can't drink. I have to get home tonight and anyways I have nothing to wear
Jill - you can stay and go home in the morning. I told Katie to pack you clothes anyways
Y/n - you what?
Jill - they're in your boot
Y/n - ughhh okay fine whatever
Jill - you know you want to. Right go get your stuff out of the car and get ready because we are going to go for food first
Y/n - okay fine (you go and grab your stuff out of the car and go up to your room. You FaceTime Katie whilst you get ready)
Katie - hey gorgeous
Y/n - why didn't you tell me I was going out tonight
Katie - it wasn't my place. It was your mums idea anyways
Y/n - ughhhh I wanted to come and get in bed with you though
Katie - you can tomorrow. Enjoy yourself tonight with all of your old friends and your mums
Y/n - I suppose. Does my makeup look okay?
Katie - you look beautiful as always baby
Y/n - thanks my love. Right let's see what clothes you've packed me
Katie - I put two outfits there because I didn't know what you'd want, there's a dress and blazer and then a suit just in case.
Y/n - okay I'm gonna go with suit
Katie - okay well I'm gonna go whilst you get ready
Y/n - heyyyy
Katie - whatttt
Y/n - I wanted you to stay and talk to me
Katie - but you're getting dressed and I'm sat next to Beth and Viv
Beth - nothing I ain't seen before (you both laugh)
Katie - hey! Watch it Meado (she storms upstairs staying on the phone with you. You start getting changed) you're such a tease
Y/n - oh am I now?
Katie - you know what you're doing
Y/n - and what is it I'm doing
Katie - shush u
Y/n - okay how do I look?
Katie - sexy as fuck
Y/n - really?
Katie - yeah I'm kind of jealous I'm not with you right now
Y/n - oh really? Why's that
Katie - wear it again when I'm with you and you'll find out (she winks)
Y/n - now who's being a tease
Katie - we're just as bad as each other
Y/n - fair enough (you both laugh) okay I'm going to get my mum to straighten my hair and I'll message you later on
Katie - okay I love you
Y/n - I love you too
(You go to your mums room and stand there holding your straighteners and just give her a look)
Shelly - you know the drill (she rolls her eyes)
Y/n - yeyy thankyou (you plug your straighteners in and sit on the floor with your back against the bed whilst she does your hair)
Shelly - you excited to see the girls then ?
Y/n - yeah I can't wait
Shelly - good. Have a good time and don't let your mum get too drunk.
Y/n - I won't (you laugh) promise
Shelly - good.
(She finishes up your hair and brushes it out)
Shelly - there you go princess
Y/n - could you just brush my hair for a little longer
Shelly - yeah course. You really love people doing your hair don't you.
Y/n - well yeah. It makes me feel safe. I don't remember my bio mum ever doing my hair when I was little and it just really comforts me. I don't let everyone do it just you, G and Katie. People I trust you know
Shelly - I know what you can do
Y/n - what's that
Shelly - go ask your mum to put some braids at the top of your hair. She had to learn how to do them for I'm a celeb. It gives you an excuse for her to do you hair (she giggles)
Y/n - thanks mum. You're the best you know
Shelly - thanks beautiful. That means a lot. Go have the best time tonight
Y/n - I will (you kiss her cheek) love you
Shelly - love you the most
(You leave and go downstairs to Jill)
Y/n - mummmm
Jill - what is it? (She rolls her eyes)
Y/n - you know cos you love me
Jill - what do you want y/n
Y/n - could you put two little braids in the top of my hair ?
Jill - course I can sweetie. Sit down and I'll do them.
(About 15 minutes later)
Jill - there you go. You ready now?
Y/n - yeah all ready to go
Jill - good. Go get in the car and I'll be out in a second
Y/n - wait picture first. (You both take a picture together. Then you go out to the car. Whilst you're waiting you decide to post on instagram ...

(This is your outfit btw)

(This is your outfit btw)

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(Your post...)

Y/n_yln_03 - I'll never fully be able to give these beautiful women enough credit for everything they have done for me

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Y/n_yln_03 - I'll never fully be able to give these beautiful women enough credit for everything they have done for me. Through thick and thin they have been by my side. From picking me up of the bathroom floor, to taking me to games, picking me up from games, even just putting food on the table. I'll never be able to thank them enough for what they have done for me. I can honestly say I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for them and a few others who have helped me along the way. When I didn't have my mum around to take care of me, they both stepped up and treated me like their own. I just wanted to share a little appreciation and  thank you guys for wiping the tears of my cheeks and putting a smile on my face. You'll never fail to make me the happiest girl in the world. Coming home today has made me realise how lucky I am and how proud of myself I should be. Like you guys always said 'home is where your roots are. It doesn't have to be the place where you were born but the place you feel the safest. The place you know you can always return to. Whenever you do return, it's a reminder of where you started and the journey that you still have to go on to get where you want to be.' When I entered my childhood room, the Kelly smith poster on my wall was my reminder that I still have a long way to go, but to be proud of the position I'm already in at such a young age. I wouldn't be the person I am today without the both of you. You've taught me that family isn't just blood. I love you so much my chosen mums x
@jillscottjs8 - I love you so much princess. Pops would be so proud 🤍🕊
Reply ^^^ @Y/n_yln_03- 🤍
@shellyunitt - you'll always be my little girl ❤️ I love you to the moon and back 🌙
Reply ^^^ @Y/n_yln_03- I love you too the moon and back
@leahwilliamson - this is the cutest ❤️‍🩹 @katiemccabe - proud of you my girl 🫶🏻
Reply ^^^@Y/n_yln_03 - love you 🫶🏻 @kellysmith - making me feel old girl 😭
Reply ^^^ @ Y/n_yln_03- you are old 😘
Reply ^^^ @kellysmith - you're lucky I love you y/l/n 🙄
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Writers comment - hi guys I'm sorry about slow I'm uploading. Just busy with school work. There should be a few more chapters out this weekend. Please comment and let me know if you have any ideas and if you think the chapters need to shorter because I have a feeling I'm making them too long. Please let me know x

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