The beach x

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(It's a couple hours later and there is a nock at the door)
Y/n - hey
Katie - hey you ready ?
Y/n - yeah two seconds just gonna get my bag
Katie - okay I'll be in the car
(You get your bag then go get in the car)
Katie - you got everything beautiful
Y/n - you think I'm beautiful?
Katie - shut it . Just answer the question so we can leave
Y/n - yes I've got everything (you giggle) dibs on the aux
Katie - hey it's my car I get dibs
Y/n - not fair, I have to sit next to you for the next half an hour
Katie - what's wrong with that ?
Y/n - nothing I'll just have to put on my music really loud so I don't have to hear your annoying voice
Katie - rudddeee
Y/n - just facts
Katie - is not
Y/n - is too
Katie - right fine you can have the aux but I'm having it on the way back
Y/n - yayyyyy
(During the drive you notice that every now and then Katie glances at you up and down)
Katie - you have such shit taste in music
Y/n - I do not
Katie - yes you do
Y/n - you're just saying that because I probably have better taste than you
Katie - no I'm really not
Y/n - show me your playlist then
Katie - sorry no can do
Y/n - exactly
(She just smiles and stares at you )
Y/n - stop looking at me like that
Katie - like what
Y/n - like thatttt
Katie - I can't help it, you just look really beautiful
Y/n - you're such a mush
Katie - I'm just being honest
Y/n - course you are
Katie - I am! You've just got an obsession with the word mush
Y/n - it's my new nickname for you because that's what you are
Katie - rightttt whatever you say
(You arrive at the beach and head over to the rest of the team. For the next couple of hours the team plays beach ball and swims and has loads of fun, but you've just been sun bathing the whole time)
Beth - oiiiii
Y/n - what
Beth - are you gonna come join in ?
Y/n - no
Beth - why not ?
Y/n - I'm tired
Beth - I met you yesterday and you've been tired none stop
Y/n - leave me be
Beth - right whatever you little bore
Y/n - I'm just relaxing. You's are all kicking a ball around which is pointless because we literally do it everyday and this is our day of
Beth - true but it's just fun isn't it
Y/n - I just want to chill I'll join use later
Beth - okay
( you end up falling asleep after half an hour)
Leah - Beth have you seen her
Beth - who ?
Leah - y/n
Beth - no why ?
Leah - she's asleep again
Beth - fucking hell that's all she ever does
Katie - leave her, she obviously needs to rest
Beth - omg le (they start whispering)
( about 10 minutes later you wake up to a massive bucket of water being poured on your head. All the girls are laughing)
Y/n - Beth I'm actually gonna kill you.
Beth - it's just a little bit of water
(You get up and chase her. You catch up to her and pick her up walking towards the sea)
Beth - omg y/n don't
Y/n - it's just a little bit of water
Beth - I'm sorry okay I'm sorry please don't.
(You put her down)
Y/n - you're lucky I didn't throw you in
Beth - it's only because I'm your bestie now
Y/n - yeah yeah if you say so
(You give her a push and she falls right on her ass getting soaked)
Beth - you bitch
y/n - I love you too beffy
(She still sat on the floor so you blow her a kiss then start laughing whilst you walk back)
Katie - you're terrible (she laughs)
Y/n - oh well haha
(Katie takes off her jumper and hands you it)
Katie - here have this
Y/n - why ?
Katie - you're literally soaking
Y/n - awe you care about me how cute
Katie - do you want me to take it back
Y/n - noooo I'm cold
Katie - be quiet then (she smiles and walks off)
(For the next couple of hours you and all the girls play games on the beach and have a really fun day. You go home with Katie and now you are all back at the house)
Y/n - I'm just going to head up and get changed because I'm freezing
Beth - okay
Katie - hey guys do you recon I could stay here tonight.
Viv - yeah sure how come?
Katie - it's just out of the way going back to mine and we have training in the morning anyways. My kits in my car
Leah - oh okay yeah that's cool. Stay as long as you like
Katie - thankyou
(You finish getting ready and go down)

 Stay as long as you like Katie - thankyou(You finish getting ready and go down)

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^^ your outfit ^^
Y/n - hey whattt you guys doin
Beth - just chilling. We are going to order food, do you want anything?
Y/n - no I'm not hungry I'll just sort something later. Thanks though
Beth - it's fine
Viv - can we put on a film
Leah - ooo yehhh
(The girls have food whilst you watch the film and now it's getting late so you say night to everyone and then head off to bed. Katie sleeps downstairs on the couch. You decide to FaceTime G)
G - heyyy babe I've missed you so much
Y/n - I've missed you too. How's camp? I bet it's well boring without me
G - trust me it is. It's so weird without you here
Y/n - I bet. It feels so weird being here everything's so different
G - so have you met the girls yet?
Y/n - yeah I get on really well with them, and I'm living with Leah, Beth and Viv at the minute.
G - awe that's good then.
Y/n - yeah it's alright I guess
G - what's up?
Y/n - nothing
G - there is y/n I know you better than yourself and there is something you aren't telling me
Y/n - okay okay so there's this girl on the team right, called Katie
G - as in Katie McCabe ?
Y/n - yeah and so basically in the past two days we've gotten quite close and I'm really starting to like her and I don't know what to do G
G - oh gosh fucking hell babe.
Y/n - I know what you're going to say but i don't know it feels different around her. Like I don't have anything else on my mind
G - do what feels right y/nickname. I can't tell you what to do but I just want you to be happy at the end of the day, because that's all that matters.
Y/n - I know and I will trust me
G - have you slept?
Y/n - yeh twice
G - really?
Y/n - yeah I ain't lying I literally fell asleep twice whilst I was with Katie
G - do you feel safe around her then?
Y/n - I think. I don't know to be honest I've only known her for two days
G - well don't rush into it, just see how it goes and let me know everything
Y/n - I will do don't worry.
G - okay well I'm going to go. Speak soon. I love you. Forever and always
Y/n - always and forever
(You end the call and just chill for a couple of hours. You can't sleep but everyone else is asleep. You decide to get up and go to the Tescos. It's 1am so you go down in your pjs)

^^ your outfit ^^(You grab your keys of the hook and as your about to leave you hear something) Katie - (she's whispering) y/nY/n - shit sorry did I wake youKatie - no I couldn't sleep Y/n - oh okay Katie - where you going? We have training in the...

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^^ your outfit ^^
(You grab your keys of the hook and as your about to leave you hear something)
Katie - (she's whispering) y/n
Y/n - shit sorry did I wake you
Katie - no I couldn't sleep
Y/n - oh okay
Katie - where you going? We have training in the morning
Y/n - I'm going late night shopping to clear my head cos I couldn't sleep
Katie - fair enough
Y/n - do you want to come?
Katie - yeah sure
(You both get in the car and you drive to tescos)
Katie - is this something you do all the time?
Y/n - not really I was just bored and couldn't sleep
Katie - fairs
Y/n - ooo I want a coffee
Katie - how'd you expect to go to sleep when we get back if you get a coffee (she laughs)
Y/n - I don't know (you giggle) I'm getting one anyways
Katie - okay you little weirdo
(You both walk round the shop picking up stupid things you don't even need. You both get back in the car)
Katie - thanks
Y/n - what for?
Katie - ever since you've got here, you've really cheered me up. You've made me happy and I've really missed that
Y/n - awe you're cute you little mush
Katie - I really like you y/n and I know you have only been here for 2 days but it feels like I've known you forever.
Y/n - I really like you too Katie bu-
Katie - oh, there's a but
Y/n - buttttt I just want to take things slow at the minute. I need to sort myself out here and become comfortable before I get into anything serious.
Katie - oh ok I get you
(It's so awkward the whole way home and you hardly speak. When you get in you go straight to your room)

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