Forgive and forget x

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(You hear a nock at the door so go and answer it)
Y/n - beffffyyy (you hug her)
Beth - you okay
Y/n - yeah come in
Beth - fucking hell your place is nicer than mine
Y/n - I know (you smile)
Beth - you gonna give me a tour then ?
Y/n - sure why not, so obviously living room kitchen and dining room are all open plan so not much to miss
Beth - nice, shit that's a big dining table (she laughs) you gonna have the team round for a meal then?
Y/n - yeah eventually
Beth - yess get in
Y/n - okay then we have mine and Katie's office
Beth - shit this is really fucking nice
Y/n - I can't even take credit cos Katie did the most of it
Beth - McCabe's got good taste then
Y/n - don't say that too her face, if her ego gets any bigger she'll fucking explode (you both laugh) okay so down here we have a movie room
Beth - a movie room ?
Y/n - come on you'll see (you both go downstairs)
Beth - why haven't you mentioned this before what the fuck
Y/n - never came up I guess (you giggle)
Beth - we need to get the girls round for a sleepover, it'd be sick
Y/n - yeah deffo, maybe one night this week before international break
Beth - yeah 100%
Y/n - right let's go upstairs and I'll show you the rooms
Beth - yesss
Y/n - okay so this is like the spare room I guess. It was Katie's when we first moved in but it's so bare.
Beth - fair enough
Y/n - okay so this is mine and Katie's room
Beth - whoah this is nice. (She walks into your wardrobe) erm you wardrobe is the size of my bedroom
Y/n - I know it's massive. Right come on your room
Beth - yesss. Save the best til last?
Y/n - you'll see com on. Ok here (you open the door)
Beth - shit this is nice. Can I move in (you both laugh)
Y/n - oh please do. Need some entertainment in this house. Katie's boring as fuck
Beth - you sure it's not the other way round
Y/n - heyyy (you playfully hit her arm)
Beth - I'm not lying though am I
Y/n - fair enough (you laugh)
(You both sit on the bed next to each other)
Y/n - I just wanted to say sorry. I've been really self centred these last couple of days and I should've been there for you. I want you to know that you can always talk to me anytime about anything. Im always here for you. I love you so much beffy
Beth - it's fine I know you have a lot going on
Y/n - that doesn't excuse the way I've been acting
Beth - it kinda does
Y/n - it doesn't. You're my best friend here and I was pushing you away
Beth - look babe it's fine trust me. Forgive and forget okay let's move on
Y/n - okay. You gonna talk to me about what's going ok then?
Beth - just me and viv have been arguing a lot lately
Y/n - about what?
Beth - everything. We've just been getting on each other's nerves a lot about the stupidest things. It's all my fault because the other day I said something that viv clearly didn't want to hear
Y/n - wait what'd you say
Beth - I said I wanted to have baby
Y/n - what what
Beth - I know
Y/n - so what'd viv say
Beth - she started with the whole marriage before kids shit. Which she actually doesn't even believe in it's just what her parents believe in it but like does that even matter. We're gay that literally defeats he whole point
Y/n - did you say that to her
Beth - yeah and she knows it's true. She said she wants to wait until we retire
Y/n - who would carry though ?
Beth - me
Y/n - so why is she even that bothered?
Beth - I don't know. I'm strong and I'd get back to football in no time. I just don't understand. I love her more than life but I don't want to wait until I retire. I have at least 6-7 more years left playing and that's a long time to wait.
Y/n - I understand you beffy
Beth - ever since I brought it up it's like we have just been stepping on each other's toes constantly
Y/n - you need to sit down and talk to her about it
Beth - I don't know. I just feel like if we talk about it again it'll end up in us breaking up (she starts crying)
Y/n - come here beffy (she lies with her head on your chest and you kiss her head) it'll be okay I promise
Beth - I do wanna talk to her about it, but I don't want to lose her. We just want different things and I don't want her to realise that because I can't lose her. If it means waiting until I retire to have a kid then I'll do it, because she means the world to me. Not even. She is my entire world, I'd literally be lost without her. I don't want her to break up with me. I mean that's what you have to do in relationships right? Compromise
Y/n - babe look I love you and I love viv, but you don't want to wait until you retire to have baby. That's not what your heart wants. It will make you sad if you have to wait. Talk to viv she might start to understand if you tell her how you feel, she loves you so much I know she does, and if she does break up with you then that's for the best, you have me and you have the other girls. We are family okay and we stick together. If that's not what she wants and she leaves you because of it, then she doesn't love you because you don't leave the people you love. I know how much she truly loves you so just speak to her
Beth - okay I will. Do you recon I could stay here tonight?
Y/n - you don't have to ask, this room is all yours darling
Beth - thanks y/nickname I love you
Y/n - I love you too (you heart is literally broken for her. You just lay there together for half an hour until Katie walks through the door)
Katie - you tryna steal my girl meado ?
Beth - ohhh yeah she's well comfy
Y/n - aww am I
Beth - yeah you are baby
Y/n - come here I want a kiss (you both are taking the piss and Katie's in shock. You both burst out laughing) you can lift your jaw off the floor now babe
Katie - you two take it too far sometimes
Y/n - we know (you laugh)
Beth - don't worry McCabe she's just my work wife
Katie - good (she gives you a kiss)
Beth - Ughh get a room
Katie - We are in a room
Beth - erm my room (you all laugh)
Katie - come on I have brought food
Beth - get in what've you got us then
Katie - McDonald's
Beth - we ain't supposed to be eating that, we have training tomorrow
Katie - no one will know it's our day off
Beth - fair enough
(You all go downstairs and sit at the island. The girls eat their McDonald's and you just pick at your food not eating any of it)
Katie - Meado give us a minute (she grabs your hand and takes you into the office) are you feeling alright?
Y/n - yeah what why?
Katie - I noticed you just picking at your food, you haven't even had one bite
Y/n - I know I just don't feel hungry
Katie - just try eat something please
Y/n - I will
Katie - okay good. You'll tell me if somethings up though?
Y/n - yeah course (you kiss her and then go sit back with Beth
Beth - erm what were you two doing in there
Y/n - just having a little make out sesh (Katie almost chokes on her drink)
Beth - erm you guys are disgusting (you all laugh)
Y/n - I'm only joking. Katie just wanted to see why I wasn't eating, but I'm just not hungry. I promise if anything's going on I will let you both know
Beth - okay darling no worries
Katie - what time do you want to go live princess?
Beth - live?
Katie - yeah me and y/n are doing a Q&A on insta
Beth - oh ok
Y/n - about 20 minutes is that okay?
Katie - yeah sure
Beth - okay well you guys have fun doing that. Thank you for the food. I'm gonna go have a nap. (She puts her rubbish in the bin and kisses you on the cheek before heading upstairs)
Katie - (shouts) stop making moves on my girl Meado
Beth - you're just jealous she loves me more than you (you burst out laughing)
Katie - is that true
Y/n - erm...
Katie - are you serious?
Y/n - no I'm joking (you go and kiss her before both of you head into the office)
Katie - so I take it Beth is staying tonight
Y/n - yeah I said she could. Is that okay?
Katie - yeah you don't need to ask. It's her room anyways
Y/n - okay
Katie - so is she alright?
Y/n - yeah she told me about everything that's going on
Katie - oh yeah the whole baby situation
Y/n - you knew and didn't tell me
Katie - it's not my place. You needed to hear it from her. I only found out because Viv is my best friend
Y/n - that's fair enough. What's Viv saying then?
Katie - she doesn't want to lose Beth. It's not the fact that she doesn't want kids it's just she doesn't want to disappoint her parents. She said they still find it hard to accept the fact she's gay so she doesn't want to upset them anymore
Y/n - shit that's a difficult one. They need to talk to each other and tell each other how they feel. They might come to some sort of agreement that way.
Katie - yeah I know
Y/n - I might speak to viv because I know how it feels to have a parent that doesn't accept you for who you are and she needs to know that her happiness doesn't depend on other peoples opinions. If having a baby with Beffy makes her happy then she should have a baby with Beth. Someone else's opinions shouldn't change her views on life.
Katie - I know. She's just scared. They both are. This is a big thing for them
Y/n - I know. My heart breaks for beffy I just feel so bad for her. She literally told me that she would wait until she retires to have a baby if that meant staying with Viv. They both love each other so much
Katie - I know. Don't be upset (she kisses you on the cheek) they'll sort it out. Come on let's go live
Y/n - okay yey

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