W(orld), W(ord), & W(horled) Parts

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Written 12/9/22 at 8:25pm

About, without, & shout all include the word "out".

About should mean discovering invaluable knowledge,

Without has many meanings yet could mean the lack thereof.

Shout could mean to spread this vital information

To the not-so-free world.

As it all unfurls, an adept mind will become adamant.

And, a stagnant one rarely possesses the ability to absolve itself,

More or less, anyone else.

Ab words take away, ad words potentially add.

Both are interchangeable, in their own special ways.

The revered days of age-old don't always translate over so easily,

Without constant reference, research, & recollection.

Re doesn't necessarily mean to add in a good way,

Or, at least that's what my Latin recollection says.

Is it redundant?

If I may,

The disillusion of inclusion is startling to most.

Am I a ghost...speaking to a dead audience?

Don't be discouraged by my mere interpretation.

We're a nation fighting the cognitively dissonant.

Will we win?

If I insist...

To invoke the spark of a modern New Word Order revolution

From the unfathomable abyss,

The bottomless pit furthest from societal conformity.

A way out by abolishing

A dysfunctional evolutionary addendum (or another word that I couldn't think of because I was heavily distracted).

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