Death To A Culture

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Written March 15th-18th 2019

Edited/Rewritten August 17th 2023 at 1:13am

"The Privilege of Royalty"

Esteemed affairs appeared so crystal clear
To a baseless audience;
Showcasing all mystical fears
And secret outer hauntings
At the fanciest private parties.
The distinguished guests are invited in.
Respected elites come and go.
The ceaseless folly ends.

Acquaintances nearly known learn your woes.
Associates grow numb to your complaints of justice.
The equality strain turns from once trustful
And now used as ammo.

Once a furious debate,

Now a senseless fight for what's right.

In a world all alone
Atop a bottomless throne,
It's cold here.

A battlefield that's so

Eerily queer or is it

Queerly eerie?

"The Battlefield Warrior"

Blood and chocolate mud cake their salty hair
And toothless empty faces.
Inhumane bases of war and famine;

No one to help.

Erasing any traces of remaining humanity

Even in those who are left.
A country decimated.
As car tires are deflated on every worn street,
There's no escaping the insatiable heat.
Metal plated homes are boarded up all around,

Alarming sounds
Military fleets hastily retreat.
The annihilation of a culture.
It's now complete.
There was remorse
And there was defeat.
There is no value left as natural resources deplete.
The refugees fearfully flee
With diseased hands and dirty feet.
What a pity, a solemnity.
A severe loss to society.

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