World Music

6 1 0

Written 8/13/23 at 12:48am

Edited/rewritten 9/18/23 1:06am & then again 9/23/23 10:54pm

Never ever [feeling] ultimately heard like

A crooked curve in an imperfect line on the

Most withered page of the oldest, dusty book on the

Disheveled shelf.

Take a second,

Look at it closely...

Books help!

A notable adage can be starkly invisible

As the tiniest hummingbird's wings rapidly flap strongly

With all of their tiny might

Long after it's gone.

It's flown on, forever free just to be.

An airy, mystic song was the only magical

Hint left [behind] of it entirely.

It's miserly when gracing presence.

How is a mustard seed actually measured?

Nature's astral treble clef like buried underwater treasure,

Comparable to the finality of the approving kiss of a chef;

In the form of a meal's savory scent

With the tantalizing aroma lingering for a while,

After it's been wholly devoured.

Then it's gone like a birdsong

And proof of the meeting is fleeting in finite milliseconds or less.

Nonetheless, it's a blessing to experience, and yet,

The loneliest feeling ever...

A brief summer rain shower.

Temperamental weather can manifest

A single delicate, exotic flower within a

Mucky marsh with all of its

Beautiful weakness.

And, it's not to be discovered elsewhere!

The bare, soft scene, gently overpowered by the

Flammable fumes of the foul.

Dandelion seed travel, yes?

Of course!

So harshly nestled within the immense bleakness

Until it's all parsed.

My arse and yours,

Astral coordinates on the nonlinear line,

Has been marked for greatness.

Waking up from unthinkable nightmares

Into unmoored dreams of contentment and peace.

Serenity is a heavenly beast!

[Wisdom & knowledge, her sisters from the East].

Love and Light [western soul sisters] remain and always on the

Custard's cusp of trust and growth.

The proverbial planted oat linking or leading

To the healthy oat of belief

That's no less than required

For those wired for more than the best

And the rest of the cosmos.

After all,

We're eternal esquires of

Heavenly nobility and divine bloodlines.

Do I sound silly writing this?

Is ignorance truly that bliss?

Miss me with that bullshit!

I relent.

So let me ask you...

Can you "hear" the indiscernible sounds of nature

Within yourself?

Or, did you once require help to do so?

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