Happy Valentine's Day

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Written February 7, 2002

Romance the heart and seduce the senses

Don't lead yourself to believe that my heart ever pretenses.

You've been more than a friend to me 

Over this short period of time.

And, it's such a heart-warming feeling to know

That you're mine.

You're the only person who actually understands.

And unlike my other friends, you never make any

Returning demands.

You're the light that my world needs.

And off of the happiness and joy that you bring,

My heart feeds.

I would say that you're special, but that word 

Is not enough.

You're the type of person that I could

Love and trust.

I could go on and on saying that I don't

Have any words to say.

So, I'm going to cut it short because you already know.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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