Empower to Flower

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Written March 1, 2020, at 8:48pm

Disconnect to recharge.

Manifest to enlarge

The beautiful spirit

Inside of you.

Only you can possibly know

Who you truly are

Without the years of wounded scars

And seemingly irreparable damage afar.

You can definitely manage.

Uplift as you overcome.

Teaching and healing

As universally one.

You're immensely strong.

Sing the brave-hearted winner's song.

Try not to linger too long

In the distant past.

Nostalgia doesn't last.

Fully focus on the future

Sure and steadfast.

At last...

You will feel empowered.

Showered with more tailored blessings

Than you thought was possible.

You're audible now

When you thought you'd lost your voice.

A realization by choice.

That you always knew not

To be true.

You've always been you.

Never lose the truth.

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