Marriage Denied

32 3 1

Written August 6, 2002

I want to be with you,

And share my world with you.

Could you be the person I dream of?

Or just another guy I have to blow off?

Yeah, I fell in love once... once upon a time.

It was obviously at the wrong time.

He didn't love me back.

How strange of me to act...?

I gave him my everything, but where did that get me?

Up against a curb with no one with me.

He stole my heart and ran with it,

As far as he could.

Then he threw it back at me,

In pieces, like chips of wood.

The expression on my face was filled with grief.

But, he was out turning over a new leaf.

With a new girl quite older than I,

And wasn't even quite as shy.

I looked for love in all the wrong places,

And I met all the wrong faces.

So, this poem reveals a message to all of you.

Never say, "I DO!"

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