My Generation

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Sometimes I wonder if it's true,

How people's lives are worse than mine

And they still seek virtue.

It couldn't be me, I'll just tell you

I give up right before things get better.

No, I'm not ignorant, stupid or dumb.

It's just that when it comes to stress,

I'm not the one.

I don't know how our elders endured

It in the times before us.

The generation that's coming up now

Would just uproar in a fuss.

I love my grandparents, 

They taught me to honor the truth.

But, I ask myself

Will it help me when I become grown?

And have to face the people whom are uncouth?

Oh, I'll have to learn how to stop complaining.

But, someone has to be willing to start explaining.

Thousands of people in our generation die everyday.

I know it's sad but don't you sometimes think it's our fault anyway?

I know it's sad to say, but our world is coming to an end.

But... who says we'll be ready by then?

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