Diagnosis: BPD

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I went from school to the hospital for my psychiatrist appointment one day and on that day in October of 2022 (WHYS IT ALWAYS OCTOBER???) I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

I had always suspected something else was missing. When I got diagnosed with autism everyone felt like that that was the last of em, but I still felt a puzzle piece missing and when I read other people's experiences with bpd it clicked.

Then I got my official diagnosis (at 16 mind you) and I finally felt like the puzzle was complete. I found the missing piece.


On another note my psychiatrist forgot the books, and to be completely honest, I forgot about them as well.

My blood test results were in and he told me everything's fine. Iron level, vitamin d, etc. On the way home I asked my mom "are you still gonna try and get me to take vitamin supplements?"

"No not anymore" she said.

I turned to look out the window, satisfied. I was victorious once again (que P!ATD) .

We went to the access transit to get me a new bus pass because now that I have a school ID it's cheaper! My mom made it way too complicated though. We were gonna go ride the bus afterwards but since my mom kept prolonging the process of getting physical maps of the bus route I felt my legs go weak and I start getting dizzy. My stomach started hurting a tiny bit and I went faint, and I tried to speed the process up.

We eventually got out (without me fainting thank god. I don't wanna have to make a scene in public over some stupid bus routes). When we exited we turned the corner and people were boarding and getting off a bus right there. It was so fucking crowded!! We managed to navigate through the hoard of human beings and get to the car.

When we got in the car I told my mom that I was starting to not feel well and we should just skip the bus rides and go home.

She noted that while we were standing at the bus support she noticed that I was starting to turn a little pale. That was a first.

I chugged some of my Gatorade (yellow, btw) and we went home.

So that was today's adventure.

Oh yeah I also showed my mom my huge ass bruise that formed a day after I got my blood taken. She explained that bruises form when blood leaks out of the vein and I got extremely uncomfortable. As I am now just writing about it. She then went on to explain how her patients got bruises when she stuck an IV needle in them (she used to deliver babies. Now she teaches people in his to deliver babies.).

Anyways Imma save us all and just end this right here right now✌️.

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