Valentine's Day

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I haven't written in here for a while. I've been extremely busy with school and fights and relationship issues.

Went to the creek today for the rec outing. Longest time a chickadee stayed on my fingers. No chipmunks, of course, because it's winter and snow is on the ground. I also just straight up died over there too. My Fitbit read my BPM at 0, so yeah, I died. But I'm alive!

I had a science test today. I only did half of it. I think I did pretty average for me, at least. We spoke about the human brain in English, and since psychology is my special interest I was so close to exploding. I was like a boom slime in slime rancher.

I really have to pee again.

Anyways I'm on call with my friends and their giggling in my ears and won't fucking stop and it's getting annoying, I have a fucking headache. But I don't wanna leave the call cuz then I'll be lonely.

One of those friends asked me out today. I asked my other friend "yes or no" without providing them any context, and they said yes. So I said yes to A, the friend who asked me out. Then they asked if I wanted to be their girlfriend and I froze. Keep note that their two years younger than me but their birthday is in the summer.

I don't know what to say. We dated before but it felt wrong, like I was sorta uncomfortable, but that was years ago. And we have this on off love thing going on between us, where we would be crushing on each other one week then think of each other as friends the next. Sometimes I had a crush on then but they didn't have a crush on me, and vice versa.

I'm incredibly stressed and I want to give an answer by tomorrow, but I have no clue. Please send help!!!

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