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I'm waiting for my mom to get off the treadmill so I can ask for food. I've been going up and down the stairs almost all day today and it's made my legs ache a lot now.

I also haven't been to school in almost two weeks due to the chronic fatigue that's been overwhelming me to the point of where I have to take multiple big ass naps throughout the day. And recently I haven't been able to sleep at night, even though I really want to and should.

I think the reason for that is because a couple weeks ago I preferred staying up at night because its the only time I feel like I can truly have some alone time. It still does, but I can't stay up at night forever. I may be an extremely introverted autistic, but humans are still social creatures (though I do like saying autistics came from another planet other than Earth).

My mom is still on the treadmill, even though I have a pretty strong feeling it's been more than ten minutes. She must be listening to some really good fucking music.

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