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The difference between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) is the fact that PTSD is triggered by a traumatic event but Complex PTSD is characterised by prolonged Traumatic experience, often in childhood.

Another thing is that PTSD has flashbacks of the events and it's happenings, while Complex PTSD is flashbacks of the emotions happening during the events.

I bring this up because I never have flashbacks of the events, but of the emotions. And never had just one traumatic event, I've had prolonged trauma.

I'll tell you guys now. Never move to Canada, or if you do, never move to Saskatchewan. Yes, we have free health care, but the school system is shit. Every school system is shit, actually. But the ones in Saskatchewan are very shit. And the UK has free health care too! Plus it's freezing up here for 90% of the time. The other 10% it's melting.

For instance, it's been the hottest week so far, and it's only Spring, for fucks sake. Which is extremely unusual because Spring is supposed to warm and nice, not "PLEASE HELP I NEED TO JUMP IN A POOL OR SOMETHING" hot. Which it has been.

Also I'm in the washroom as of writing this and there's a bug on the wall. Oh shi he slipped. But he still climbing up that wall.
He noticed me staring and stopped.

Aspire to be this bug, y'all!

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