Slippery Sidewalks and Cold Ears

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I'm totes not writing this during school hours when I should be doing homework (its stupid. My history teacher said I still need to hand some stuff from unit 7 which is bullshit because I shouldnt need hand shit in from that unit because I already have enough credit pass so now im super fucking pissed).

We were walking to check out the rink earlier and there was black ice everywhere and i hated it and it was scary. My shoulder was in pain, my fingertips were freezing cold, and same with my ears i sworn they wouldve fallen off if i spent a second longer out there. on the way back to the school one of my classmates slipped on the black ice and i was 'bro slipped like a cartoon character' and someone behind me burst out laughing. still no clue who that was. 

My mask was wet with salty nose juice because of how cold it was and my shoulder for some reason became extremely sore. I was gonna go skating so i brought my stuff but that walk majorly changed my mind and then my staff mentor said 'no ones staying back so what if we drove you' and i was 'bish im not going ive already made up my mind now can i call my mom or im gonna cry' i didnt exactly say that though.

Then the teachers ended up staying back and pushed me even FARTHER beyond my limit telling me very sternly do schoolwork and in my mind was like 'this is bullshit they wouldn't be like this at the school im transferring to soon this coming wednesday' and oh my fucking god i don't wanna be here anymore the rules are bullshit and its almost always cold and everyone here is almost depressed as fuck which makes me upset.

and now im writing this on my laptop during school hours (though no one is back here at this time their either skating or in the classroom).

and now their back. they just got back. we're getting hot chocolate cuz like yay! also sorry for the bad spelling im kinda stressed and im rushing so yeah thats why my spelling is shitty.

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