Saturday May 20 2023

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My sister is currently on the treadmill.

I'm having mini bouts of depression where I'm unmotivated to do anything right now.

I'm like "I'm gonna study driving!" Nevermind.

"I'm gonna decorated my cane!" Nevermind.

"I'm gonna do this!" Nevermind.

It's getting really fucking annoying. I think I need to move and socialize though to solve this problem.

I came upstairs this morning for breakfast and coffee and when I looked outside you will not believe how many thick juicy dandelions are out there!!!

I picked some to feed my heated dragon, Jengles. She loves them so much, I think she would marry them if she could.

I really wanna take her outside. My mom did the other day but I stressed her out I think because I was driving the loud quad, and her ears are sensitive (like every bearded dragons ears are) so we took her back inside.

It's may long weekend!!!

I told my parents we should Atlas (our puppy) boating this weekend but dad's like "I have to fix it" so I don't think we're gonna do that.

And swimming! Mom said Monday would be perfect for it cuz it's gonna be really hot that day but it's indoor swimming so I'm like... "Why we don't we just go swimming anyways?"

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