Special Interests

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1. Psychology

Anything to do with it! Whether it be the mental health part, or just the way the brain works.

I actually discovered I have Borderline Personality because of this special interest. My mom talked to my psychiatrist about it and next time I went he diagnosed me with BPD at the ripe age of 16! Which is the age I am as of writing this chapter.

Of course it was in October, which is also the month I got diagnosed as Autistic in 2021 (I think).

2. Mythology

I don't care if it's Greek, Roman (which is basically Greek), or Egyptian. It's all interesting as fuck.

3. Marvel

AOFHEKDJEJ. Marvel. I'm forcing my parents to rewatch the mcu in timeline order, which is hard because my dad keeps falling asleep not even halfway through, but the other night he got through Thor without talking asleep! Next is Iron Man 3!


I think the events of Multiverse of Madness and No Way Home and Quantumania happened because Sylvie killed "He Who Remains" who is also, without a doubt, Kang.

4. Overwatch

The lore??? Hello???

Also it's confirmed that Symmetra (Satya, a Vishkar architect) is Autistic!! Shes also the character I have the most hours of playtime with.

And Orisa is best Omnic, along with Bastion. And Cassidy is my hubby. And LifeWeaver, who is also bae, and confirmed Pansexual, and in love with Haitian best boy, Baptiste. Ashe is also hot. And Junker Queen. And I'm in love with Kiriko.

Did you know Pharah is Ana's daughter? And their Egyptian, which is why they speak Arabic. And they have Wadjet tattoos, the eyes of Ra (the sun) and Horus (I forgot what he's the god of).

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