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I remember one time I made my dad panic and he threw me onto my bed.

I remember being dragged to the car with litterally nothing on but my underwear and pajamas to get to school. By my mom.

I remember have my blanket being yanked off me on a freezing cold winter morning so I would get up. I wouldn't get up and my mom start banging pots and pans while I cowered and shivered under my blankie.

I remember, as a consequence, I got EVERYTHING I OWNED taken away by my parents. Litterally everything. My toys, my games, probably my books, my mattress.

I remember being forced to eat and drink I didn't like. There's a video on my mom's computer where she was seated in my chair forcing to drink bad milk. I got so mad and upset I pushed the table.

And I always got humiliated at school by teachers and classmates. I remember the frustrations of being at sensory wise.

This is all so bad that it gave me C-PTSD.

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