School today

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Feat. A photo of a flower I took in my front garden last summer.


I'm going to school today. I didn't go yesterday. In fact, I barely go to school. It's mainly because I don't want to go to YRC after public school, because then I'm forced to check in my bag, which they'll put behind a locked door. And my phone, which they guard in the office.
Essentially, it's like a prison. Last time I went (for school) I got so upset that I had a meltdown. Usually I just shut down, but this time I had a meltdown.
I was so dysregulated I wanted to call my mom and go home, so the main staff told me to wait in the group room. I waited in there for like an hour, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I had to stop writing this cuz I then went to school.

Anyways, I marched out of the room and grabbed my phone but my mom wouldn't answer so I kept breaking down. I threatened to kill myself and shit like that and when she did answer she just made shit worse by making it about her.
I hung up and packed up my shit and left the school. Then I went back in cuz I had to use the washroom. Then my check in staff drove me and low and behold they switched up the fucking schedule so now I have to go in the mornings instead of noons like I fucking wanted to.

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