Star Wars day

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*light saber sounds*

I don't really like star wars. Sometimes I watch the mandolorian but it's been ages.

"The Mando is like, a bedroom voice" -Pedro Pascal

Anyways my mom sucks today. Ever since the incident I talked about in the last chapter, I haven't been to YRC since, other than my case consult. Mom tried getting me to go today but I didn't cuz i would have to go to that stupid place that gave me traumatic flashbacks, so I'm avoiding it like a fly, whatever that means.
My mom left us for work and the dog started screaming like crazy which was super fucking annoying but he stopped now. I have to clean the kitty litter and I still need to give my lizard a bath. Though if it's really hot out today I might take her out, if she wants to. Try and find some dandelion tops for her cuz she goes crazy for that.

I gotta wash my face and put on deodorant cuz I'm sweaty, like always cuz of my stupid Pots.
I weighed myself yesterday and lost two pounds. My pediatrician won't diagnose me with anything till I'm 116 pounds, at the very least.
My social media also won't fucken load. I need to spend some time with the cats or I'll go crazy, but they spend day in my sister's room with her.

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