Road Trip...

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Sooooo... I did something very unusual for me.

Basis: my mom needed to head up to North to teach at La Ronge, so I came along.

Preparations: We packed, then we headed off to get the rental car. I got McDonald's cuz I was starving, then we got mom's teaching stuff. She teaches labour and delivery stuff, so we got things like fake babies and stuff like that.
While she got her stuff from her office (fifth floor of the hospital, no AC so ten thousand fans and the window constantly open) I ate my chicken nuggets with the spicy habanero dip, so I was burning by the time my mom loaded everything in the car.
Then we were off!

First hour: leaving the city, passing a dozen tiny towns.

Second hour: Reaching Prince Albert, bathroom break, shopping.

Third hour: forest time! The road split into one, so now we only have one lane to drive :(

Fourth hour: smoke from the hundreds of wildfires clouds out vision. The road gets extremely bumpy.

Fifth Hour: drives through Air Ronge at a Snails pace. Finally makes it to La Ronge and checks into hotel.

I wouldn't really call it a hotel. You have to go outside to get into your room, which surprised my mom.
We had subway for dinner and I had my nightly shower. Settled in for the night. Watched an episode of Young Sheldon on the television, sleep.

Day 1: mom gets up super early, at like, six, for teaching (and for work in general). She showers, does her hair and makeup.
I'm up but still half asleep. Mom goes downstairs for the 6:30-9 am breakfast. She comes back with my mocha, a buttered muffin, and orange juice. We eat breakfast then mom leaves for class. I immediately go back to sleep.
I wake back up at 12:50 pm and take my morning meds, which consists of Biphentin for ADHD, my birth control pill, and my salt pill. I take then separately with my orange juice. I text my mom telling her I took my meds.
The rest of the day is spent reading and relaxing.
I asked my mom what we had for supper the second day and it was A&W.

Now I don't really remember what happened the other days cuz I took a break from writing this chapter but I know own of those days my mom DID get me the new Zelda game, Tears of the Kingdom, which is really scary😭😰 but I made my first car so that's fun. I ran out of Zonaite though so I need to get more of that.

I was really smoky up there too. We had like, ten billion wildfires going on so a lot of planes were flying over head to attack them, and at night I heard a lot of firetrucks. You could barely see past the dock! The photo above is from our balcony. You could barely see past that dock, and you could smell the smoke from inside too, so you couldn't go anywhere.

At night I couldn't really sleep. I have really bad acid reflux so whenever I lay down I start coughing and hacking up a storm, concerning my mom.

Another thing about the fires, a bunch of towns had to be evacuated, and most of them were out of control.

When we went home it was really worrying. The smoke had all cleared up though so we could see. We woke up super early and packed. I didn't have much to pack since I don't really take anything out of my bags much, do I mostly just played Zelda while mom packed her ten billion things. Then she took her ten billion things to load into the rental while I tried pissing a bunch.

Then I loaded my things into the car. We dropped the keys off at the front desk said goodbye with a smile and loaded ourselves into the vehicle.

Of course we went and got gas at the local co op gas station. A really cute (but prob older than me) guy filled our car with gas while I followed into the store to pay. I wanted candy but my braces broke the day before. My bracket broke off my tooth (stupid glue) so I had to slide it off the wire and put it in a little container so I could peacefully brush my teeth. I have a dentist appointment this Tuesday so I need the orthodontist to take the wires off anyways.

So anyways we paid for the gas and left (without the liquid candy I wanted) and we were off! The road is really bumpy at first but then it gets kinda smooth, and since there was no smoke we could see a great distance ahead of us.

I had to swallow every five minutes to pop my ears because of the little hills, and my ears are very sensitive (thanks, Autism!). I chugged my orange juice from breakfast while mom taught me more about road lines (I'm 16 and I need to study more to pass the written test so I can get my learners).

When there's a solid line, you can't pass. When there's two solid lines, nobody can pass.
When there's a solid line on the right but a dotted line on the left, the left can pass, and vice versa.
When there's a dotted line and no solid, everyone can pass!
It's very interesting!

Then we talked some more, and I started coughing again due to acid reflux even though I wasn't laying down (it happens a LOT. I think the smoke worsened it though) so I chugged some more juice, and then the Gatorade I always keep in the car (still haven't finished it so it's still there lol).

Then I got tired so I settled down for a nap. I woke back up again when we arrived at PA, where we stopped at Timmies (Tim Hortons).
We went to the washroom (the blow dryer was SO loud) then ordered food.

Then we took off again. This time I stayed awake.

We passed all the town's then finally arrived in the city after another two hours of driving. We returned mom's stuff back at the hospital then refilled the gas in the rental then returned it then finally arrived back home (trying to wrap this up cuz it's already really long).

Now I'm home!

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