Chapter 6

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"I know everything is new to you. We will go for a walk tomorrow around the palace to show you your new house, and I'll make sure there'd always be a servant with you to guide you till you memorize the passageways." Ohm spoke, breaking the silence between them.

"Thanks," Nanon said in a low voice.

Ohm looked up and held both of Nanon's hands, feeling his palms cold, and his face sweaty.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nanon, are you okay?" He took his hanky out and wiped his husband's face.

"Nothing," Nanon said, pulling away his hands, still not looking at Ohm.

"There's something that is bothering you. Tell me, what is it?"

Without receiving any reply, Ohm continued. "I know we don't know each other yet, but I need you to talk to me. If we're ever going to make this work, we have to communicate." He rubbed his hands with Nanon's to make them warm. He was trying to tell the boy how much he meant to him already, how he wanted to protect him.

"I...I'm -" Nanon started but stopped talking.

"You're what?" Ohm prompted.

Nanon gestured vaguely at the bed. "I've never," he said softly.

It took Ohm a minute to register what he meant, and he pulled Nanon into a gentle hug. Nanon rested his face against Ohm's shoulder.

"We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable doing," Ohm told
him, rubbing circles on his back. "You never have to do anything you don't want," he said firmly, "No one will force you to do anything against your will Nanon, not even me, I promise. I know Nanon, we're compelled to marry each other, but we won't do anything without your consent." He held Nanon close until he felt him calming down.

Ohm pulled back from the hug, still rubbing a hand on the other's arm. "You must be tired. Change your clothes first and have a good rest." He showed Nanon where the bathroom was.

"Could I change later? After you?" Nanon asked with hesitation.

"Yeah, sure," Ohm answered decisively, grabbing his clothes and disappearing into the attached bathroom. Nanon watched him go, staring at the closed door for a long moment before turning and looking around the room where he was going to stay with its owner for the rest of his life. It's weird. His stuff had been moved already, but it was not put away yet. It's a metaphor. He's permanently part of Ohm's life now, but he didn't fit, not yet.

"Are you okay?" Ohm asked, Nanon was startled.

"Sorry I didn't hear you come out," he said. Ohm rubbed circles on Nanon's back, and Nanon found it comforting. "Let me just go and change." He said, escaping to the bathroom.

He changed into his new pajamas, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and spent longer staring at his reflection in the mirror. He was 21, young and awkward, and afraid. Ohm seemed to like him already, he is a nice guy, but Nanon was failing to keep his calm. He exited the bathroom, sighing.

Ohm was waiting for him, sitting on a chair. He stood up when Nanon's reappeared. "Is there any side of the bed you prefer?" he asked.

Nanon shrugged. "It's your bed," he said.

"No," Ohm said seriously. "It's our bed." He takes Nanon's hand and dragged him towards the bed.

"Everything here belongs to you. The bed, all the furniture, and accessories belong to you." He stepped a little closer to Nanon and told him, "Even the person in front of you belongs to you, Nanon Korapat Kirdpan." Nanon felt his heart racing again but not because of anxiety.

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