Adoption day 1

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Annabelle and Sam went into the main hall and waited with the other children. The large hall had dark floors, dirty white walls and chairs around the corners. The windows were small and high up, they were also extremely dirty cause no one could be bothered to clean them. They had to be there half an hour before the adults arrived. Once every one got there Mrs Dunton told everyone the rules.
1) be nice
2) be yourself
3) no rudeness
4) be polite
5) be happy

She told them the same thing every month. Some of the older people there started to mimic her, which just made Mrs Dunton laugh.

Two extremely busy hours later adoption day was over and the adults had to decide who they wanted to take away from the orphanage and to their own homes. Out of the four families only three chose to adopt.
1) a young boy and his sister
2) the oldest boy here (about 16)
3) Sam
When Annabelle heard about this she cried rivers, both of them did. Annabelle lost her only friend that day. She wanted next month to be hers.

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