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Two days later Dan and Phil told Annabelle to come into the living room so they could talk to her.

"Look Annabelle you are fourteen years old. Do you know what other fourteen year old people do?" Dan asked

"Get drunk, have sex, take drugs, smoke." She thought "I think that's all."

"Well yes that is true but that is not the answer I was looking for."

"Annabelle you need to go to school." Phil said cutting to the chase.

"School?????" Annabelle said

"Yeah you have to go. For a couple of days now me and Dan have been looking around for schools. We haven't picked one yet but you will have to start year 10 in September."

"I don't want to go." She was begging them. The last time she went to school was when she was nine and she was bullied. The orphanage pulled her out of school and taught her there.

"It will be fine." Dan told her.

Dan showed her the laptop and told her to look at all three schools that he had open in tabs. Annabelle looked at the schools. One was a all girls school and the other two were mixed. She spent hours looking at the websites and choosing her favorite two. Dan said they would try and get a space in one of the two schools she picks. Annabelle chose the all girls school and one of the mixed as she liked the look and reviews of it.

"Thanks. Look we know you don't want to go but you need to." Dan said patting her on the back.

"Shall we order pizza for dinner?" Phil asked


That night Annabelle sat in her room and cried herself to sleep. She did not want to go but she had to.

Also she only had three weeks.

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