YouTube day

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Phil turned the TV on went on to YouTube. As Phil was typing Philisnotonfire Dan got a phone call. He left the room to answer it, Annabelle and Phil looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Phil found number one and waited for Dan to come back and join them. They tried to hear what he was saying,
"Yeah that's fine. When again?"
"Two weeks, that fine. I'll talk to the others and see what they say."
"Yeah that's true we did."
"She will enjoy it."
"Alright bye now."
Dan came in and sat next to the others. Without saying anything Phil clicked play and they watched Philisnotonfire.

When it was over Dan said,
"Oh my that was cringe."
"It was funny." Annabelle said.
"I remember that day. Do you Dan?" Phil asked.
"Yeah. It was like the day after we met in person."

They watched all of them and then some of Dan's videos. They looked at the time and it was eleven.
"Shall we show her Dil?" Phil asked.
"YES!" Dan said.
"Who's dil?" Annabelle asked. Not getting an answer.

Phil went onto DanAndPhilGames and went onto the first Dil video. They watched all of them as well. Then more gaming videos.
"This is a YouTube day." Annabelle said.
"Yeah it is. Dan who was on the phone?" Phil said.
"Someone from playlist. They wanted to know if we were going."
"When is it?"
"Two weeks."
"Playlist?" Annabelle asked.
"It's a place for YouTubers to go. We go nearly every year." Phil told her.
"Ok. Where is it?"
"I have always wanted to go to America, after Japan of course."
"Japan is great, we went not so long ago."
"Shall we go playlist?" Dan asked.
"Yeah, we can take Annabelle right?" Phil wondered.
"Yep, they said she can either hang around the youtubers bit, help out a little or stay in the hotel room."
"Cool, we need to book a hotel and flights."
"Flights been sorted just need to book the hotel."
"I'm going to America." Annabelle sang.
"I'll book it later, lets just watch more YouTube."
"Can you show me other YouTubers?" Annabelle asked.
"Sure, we'll show you our friends channel Sprinkleofglitter." Dan said going onto the channel,
"Her name is Louise"
They spent the rest of the day watching other YouTubers such as KickthePj, Zoella, Tyler Oakley, pointless blog, joe sugg, caspar lee and Catrific.

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