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When Charlie was taken to america the family said they would never tell her that she was a twin. They were going to make her a smart girl who knows nearly everything there was to know.

When Charlie was one they read her different texts books.

When she was two they taught her to count, say how old she was and only let her watch educational programs.

When she was three she knew how to count to thirty, write half the alphabet and read easy books.

When she was four they taught her to spell her name, she knew what textbook had what in it and could count to sixty.

When she was five she started school. They taught her maths and a little science.

When she was ten she knew everything a seventeen year old knew. Mostly everyone wanted to be her friend as she knew so much.

Charlie was now fourteen, had many friends and had a great life. When she got an hour to herself every night she would go onto youtube and watch Tyler Oakley. Charlie was excited as she was going to go playlist with some of her friends. She would get to meet Tyler in person and she was looking forward to it. She was in the car when she got a text,
Megan- Can't wait
Charlie- same
Megan- We get to meet YouTubers. Like Dan, Phil and Zoella
Charlie- don't forget Tyler
Megan- and Tyler
Charlie got texts from a lot of her friends,
Jessica- have fun
Lexi- can't wait to see the pictures
Dani- Can't wait to see you. what time we meeting again?
Tom- Have fun sorry I could not go with you.
Fay- hey babe looking forward to meeting some YouTubers
Anna- Have fun girl tell me all about it when you get back
Amy- Call me
Lewis- can't wait to meet Tyler
Sam (boy)- don't get lost
Sam (girl)- I hate my parents for not letting me go
Riley- Can't wait to see your beautiful face I hope Tyler does not replace me Xx

Charlie replied to them all. When she got there she saw Fay and Megan waiting for her. Just before she got out of the car,
"Don't forget to text us when you eat, sleep, wake up and two hours before you are ready to leave." Her mother said.
"Yes mother."
"And when you get home we are doing three hours of maths and two hours of reading textbooks." Her father told her.
"I know you told me before. Not to be rude but can I get out of the car now."
"Sorry my dear of course you can have a good time, get lots of photos and I want to see you make some new friends if you can."
"I will. Bye."
Once they were altogether they went inside and grabbed some food and drinks.
"Dan and Phil put up this small video last night saying that they have adopted." Megan said.
"Girl? Boy? They here?" Dani asked.
"Girl, her name is Annabelle and yes she is here."
"Whats she look like?" Fay asked.
"A lot like Charlie."
"Charlie we found your long lost twin." Lewis said.
"Lewis you know I am an only child. I got adopted in London when I was born then I came here." Charlie said.

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