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A- Hey vlogging stars, this is my first video for my collab month.
D- Hey internet.
A- Right for these videos there is not much of a plan. What we are going to do is get the amazing book is not on fire and go to the youtube video idea generator page and use that.
D- I have to book.
A- Dan what will we be doing?
D- Rant for one minute about bees.
A- You do 30 seconds and I do 30 seconds.
D- Ok I guess I'm first then.
A- Yep.
D- Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, known for their role in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee species, the European honey bee, for producing honey and beeswax.
A- How did you know all of that?
D- Um not sure probably 3am internet. Your turn.
A- Honey bees live in hives. The members of the hive are divided into three types: queen, worker and drones. The queen can love for 5 years and the average worker lives for 5 to 6 weeks.
D- Was that a minute?
A- Probably not but at least my subscribers know more about bees.
D- At least they do.
A- Bye vlogging stars and see you tomorrow with a new video and new guest for my November collab. And don't forget to subscribe to Dan.

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