Amazing Phil

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They sat and did nothing for a little while. Dan got bored so he went to get a shower, Annabelle went to her room and picked up her new computer and some headphones that Phil had given her on the train,
"Got loads, have these." He had said.
She went back to the living room and sat next to Phil, who was on YouTube reading comments on his last video.
"You have a lot of fans."
"3,721,521 of them."
"How many you met?" She wondered.
"Not enough. I wish I could hug each and everyone of them."
"That's a lot of hugs."
"Yep. But they would be the best hugs."
Annabelle moved so she was sitting some where else, where there was a bit more room to move. Annabelle turned on her mac and went onto YouTube. She plugged in her headphones and looked up Phil Lester. She looked at the screen and saw 'Amazingphil' she clicked on it. Phil's channel appeared and she click on a video named I DESTROYED MY HOUSE. She watched it and laughed as Phil attempted to make his bed. She watched the whole thing then went onto another one, and another and another. As she was watching Dying My Hair Blue she saw a video called Philisnotonfire 7. She clicked on it and saw Dan and Phil draw cat whiskers with a sharpie. They answered questions and did some crazy things. And of course she laughed.
"What you laughing about?" Dan asked as he came in the room and up to her, "I can hear you from the bathroom."
Annabelle took an earphone out and looked at him noticing Phil also looking at her. "I'm watching Phil's videos and I have to say so far Philisnotonfire 7 is the best so far."
"You should watch all of them. Then check out my channel, Danisnotonfire."
"Is that were the name for Philisnotonfire came from?"
"Yeah. I know Why don't we bring up YouTube up on the TV and watch some Dan and Phil videos." Phi said turning off his laptop.
"Great idea." Dan said, sitting in his sofa crease.
Annabelle moved from her spot to in between them so she had a better view of the TV.

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