Chapter 13: PORSCHE: -

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"Where is PEEEETTTTEEE!!!!" Tankhun said in his high-pitched voice, shouting the whole house down. "He promised me we will watch 2gether the series with me! He is a liar, Liar!!!"

It was now lunch time and Pete was nowhere to be seen, Porsche, Ohm and Aat even began to worry. "Where the hell is Pete?" Porsche whispered.

"I don't know, yesterday Pete told me he was dropping Vegas off at his home, and then I never heard from him again" Ohm said taking a look at his phone, the doctors that work for the main family have access to everything, phones and they can even leave whenever they want to. But Pete, Porsche and Aat hid their phones and leave with excuses.

"Did you just say Vegas? Well now we know" Porsche sighed.

"Oh my god, do you think Vegas kidnapped him. Remember like you said, Pete was kidnapped and tortured and then Vegas fell in love with him" Aat said remembering what Porsche told him.

"Umm... I don't think he will be kidnapped. Pete knows the future now, he is smarter" Porsche said. "We all are, so he won't be taken advantage of so easily this time"

"Your right, Pete knows now" Ohm sighed and then they all looked over at Tankhun who was causing havoc.

"PEEEETTTTTEEEEE, PEEEEETEEEE WHERE ARE YOU!!!! PEEEETTTTEEEE! Are you cheating on me!" Tankhun said and Porsche frowned at Tankhun being the dramatic person he is. He even climbed on a table while the bodyguards were eating and stepped on food with his fancy shoe.

"AAAHHhhhhh My shoooeeee, my beautiful shoeee!!! How dare you put your food under my shoe!!!!" Tankhun whined.

"Mister Tankhun you stepped on his food!" Arm said softly.

"You think you're so smart? I saw with my own eyes!" Tankhun said while he was wearing the darkest sunglasses in doors. Suddenly Kim the youngest brother entered the room and frowned at the situation.

"Tankhun get off the table!" Kim said.

"Why! Why should I listen to you, you're the youngest! And I am the oldest" tankhun said and folded his arms.

"Yeah, but your dumb and I am smart" Kim said back, Tankhun took offense to this and gasped.

"How dare you! How dare you!" Tankhun said attempting to kick Kim but his bodyguards held him back. "Come here so I can kick you"

"Hahah, you can't reach me" Kim said like he was 12 years old. Tankhun straightened himself out and looked at Kim with a glare.

'Why are you here anyways" Tankhun said.

"I came to fetch something" Kim said and was about to leave.

"What?" Tankhun said trying to be in his business. "Is it for that boring university thing you are going to do?"

"I don't need to tell you anything, bye" Kim said and left the door. Tankhun became more furious and stomped his foot.

"Now why was I hear again...? oh Pete!"Tankhun remembered and began to fake cry. "Ayyy Peeteeee, Peeeetttte!!!!"

"Should we do something before Pete gets in trouble?" Porsche looked back at Aat and Aat nodded.

"Mister Tankhun" Porsche approached Tankhun and Arm and Pol were confused in why the new bodyguard is talking to their boss.

"Do you know where Pete is?" Tankhun said and pointed at Porsche.

"Yeah, ummm he told us he was getting something outside" Aat said.

"But bodyguards are not allowed to go outside without one of us!!!" Tankhun said meaning the brothers or the father.

"Uhhh, I told him to get something for me" Ohm said with a smile.

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