Resilience is an asset to your growth

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Sometimes in life, we feel as if there is no hope to your future or as if life is no longer in your favour. But life is so much more than we imagine it to be. We are the agent of our own lives. Even though there are many things that are beyond our control, we are able to regulate our emotions and change our mindsets to certain matters. Remember, it is not always the end of the world when we face setbacks. Be headstrong and be tough to face your challenges because no one is here for you if you are not here for yourself. 

Life is so much better if we know our limits and know when to take a break from life because essentially, we are only humans. We have our limitations, we have our strengths and weaknesses and we are very futile in every aspects. If you have ever read about the cosmic universe, the size of the universe is in infinite times greater than the size of humans. Therefore, stop trying to figure out your life and get on with it because life has meanings, but it has meanings because we give meanings to it. 

Be the light of your own life. No one has ever not faced any difficulties or challenges in life, but it is important to remember that, when you fall, you are not always alone and you are able to find your way back on track. Being resilient does not mean avoiding failures, but rather, being resilient means being able to accept that we will face failures but that does not stop us from trying. 

Also the importance of changing your mindset is really crucial to your growth too; how even life throws us with so many unexpected turns and setbacks, we stay strong and think positively about our life's abyssal situations. Sometimes, it does seem there is no way out, but essentially it depends on how we look at life and how we deal with our difficulties. 

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