Summer fun in Aussie!

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In 2013 and 2017, I flew to Brisbane and Sydney for travels with my family. Let me first take you on the journey to Brisbane back in 2013. Brisbane was a really nice place. With all the nature all around you, you would feel immensely absorbed into the surroundings completely, with all the birds chirping and small animals saying hi to you once in awhile. As we all know, Australia is famed to be a country with many species of animals. It probably has around 200,000 to 300,000 species of animals all around the country. So do not be surprised if you saw a snake greeting you from beneath when you are in the loo! 

One of the most memorable memories of going to Brisbane was to visit Gold Coast, which is around 66 kilometres away from the heart of Brisbane. In case you are wondering, Gold Coast is famous for their fireflies. Fireflies are bioluminescent beetles that glow in the dark. They live in mangroves and forests in New South Wales, Queensland and the Northern Territory of Australia. I went to one of their tours in Gold Coast for their fireflies. And, once I got into the National Park, I was completely washed away by the air of serenity and peace. It was so beautiful, the air of cleanliness and freshness, the brewing of an early cold morning air and the misty fogs that fogged up the entire park. The sky had not even lit up yet, as the staff was introducing to us the different species and varieties of fireflies. It was amazing. The surroundings was pitch black and you might not even see your fingers, but it had not made the experience any less interesting. 

It was an experience that happened not so often in your lifetime, where you could enjoy the essence of Mother Nature with all of your family, appreciating its beauty and pristine. 

The last time I went to Syndey in 2017, I also went for sand boarding. I remembered how it was excessively dry and hot. The ride to the sand-boarding place was extremely bumpy and discomforting. And! The surfaces of the seats were boiling hot and wet because of the weather and people get in and out of the car. But it had not deterred me from getting there and enjoying the entire sand-boarding experience! 

I remembered how the sand was so hot yet smooth, how my feet were making contact with these burning sand and how they were exciting my senses. Before sliding down from the board, of course! You had to get up the hill first. But do not underestimate the difficulty of climbing up a sand hill. It could be really hard! Since the sand was so smooth and hot, I had to tiptoe to get up the hill, adding to the difficulty of climbing up because of the slipperiness. Two steps forward, and one step back. Two steps forward and one step back. And it repeated again and again until I reached the pinnacle. Here I go! Taking the board up with me and placing it on the shimmering golden sand and there I went. 

It was actually not as quick as I imagined it to be. The process of sliding down was quite slow and sluggish. Imagine yourself sliding down from a boat with opposite water current, that might be how it felt like. But it was fun and unforgettable. As if the sand was pushing you and escorting you to your destination under the scorching sun. It was a playful experience to be remembered. 


I will be updating more of my travels in Australia, be sure to stay tuned! xoxo

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