Disney Fun and Hiking Panic (HK edition)

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Recently, I went to Disneyland with my friend (who is more than a friend :p) and we had a really great time. It was not new experience for us as we have been to Disneyland for more than a dozen times together I swear. 

I remember that last Christmas we went to a novel light projection show endorsed by Disney and it was amazing! The night was so cold but it had not deterred any single bit of fun people had when they were cuddling together and simply sharing warmth and happiness together. People were squeezing together in front of the Disney castle waiting impatiently for the show to start whilst chatting and enjoying the time with their friends and family. I stood next to my friend and he was so excited for the show to start. I remembered him saying before the show started, "I hope I will spend the rest of my life like this with you." I was slightly touched, well kind of touched, and I said, "Me too." My heart thumped a bit and I was slightly ecstatic to hear him say that. Well, me too. What a lame answer. 

The show started. The bright and colourful lights were blazing across the open space like little rainbows spreading across. I was looking at the lights and I looked at my friend, I felt really cozy and safe around him, like a confidant who trusts me and whom gives me his trust. As simple as that. His hands felt so warm and they gave me fizzy feelings. I said to myself, I really enjoyed his company. 

Then, we went to eat at a Disney franchised restaurant, which is heavily decorated with Christmas decors. The colourful lights were making the area extra cozy and romantic. I sat next to him whilst I asked him, "Would you want a new phone for Christmas?"

"No, I can buy myself if I need one. You know what I want for Christmas," he said and winked at me.

I gave him a face of disgust and annoyance. "I don't know what you meant."

"You know what I mean," he said devilishly.

"No I don't."

"All I want for Christmas is you!!" he said and winked again. I did not understand why he liked winking so much, is there a girl soul living inside him??!

"But all I want for Christmas isn't you," I said and smirked.

He put up a long face and said, "Why...not?" He lingered as he said that.

"Coz I am a very conservative and good girl," I said as I winked at him like he did.

"Okay," he laughed and made his way to get dinner for us. 


Then, fast forwarding to the Disney experience we had last month, we went for the first time ever to take the hot balloon attraction challenge. And I swear that this game has gotten more exciting and nerve-wrecking than each time I rode it. 

We queued for the hot balloon attraction and the queue was ridiculously long. I said to my friend, "Maybe we should bail."

"But others are equally long," he said.

Then I went over his phone and saw that he liked one of his exes' pictures. I interrogated him in anguish, "Why did you like her photo? Did you still miss her?"

"No, I just think that her dog is cute," my friend said as he shrugged.

"Any dog can be cute," I said and pushed him to the corner.

"Don't worry, I only have you," he said as he kissed me on the lips.

"And if you think I am gonna cheat on you, why don't you take the initiative to make me thirst you for more?" My friend is a friend full of dirty thoughts, see, that's how I know, haha. 

"Or are you just wanna make her jealous so that she will come back to you?" I said as I crossed my arms and looked at him with my angry face.

"No, I am not. She is my past and now I have you," he said as he kissed me again.

Then, we went on the ride. We chose our seats and were so ready for the adventure. The ride only took a minute, but it felt like ages. The view kept escalating and de-escalating like it did not care how my heart was almost bursting because of I so-called the "gravity heartbeat effect". 

"Omg, when is it gonna stop?" I said as I wooed in the air.

"I swear it takes longer time than it expected." my friend said as he grabbed my hand.

This reminded me of a time when I hiked with my friend. He held my hand as I walked down from the mountain peak. I am a person with extreme height phobia and I had no idea why I promised him to go hiking together. But there I was, standing and stranded on the peak. I did not know whether I should fake a faint or ask him to carry me down the hill, as if it would not get both of us killed. My heart kept thumping and my feet were too weak to carry me to the destination. 

"Do you think we should call the ambulance?" I asked in panic.

He laughed and said, "Hahahahaha. You will be fine! Come! Hold my hand".

I grabbed his hand and walked down together with shaky feet. I swear if you want to test whether your partner of height phobia trusts you, try going to hike with him or her. Then you will know the answer, haha. It was a fun experience nonetheless. 


I wondered how my friend could be so good at detaching himself from the past. For me, the past always and will remain a part of me and I will always remember the times I spend with each persons who made my life happier by them just being in it. Loving is easy, but forgetting is hard. 

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