European Excursion (Amsterdam pt 2)

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So after exploring so much during the day, Linda and I went for a nice luxurious meal at a Japanese restaurant in Amsterdam. 

That night, it was super chilly and the cool breezes were blowing until my hair was messy like crazy. But I had a really great time with Linda. I looked around the restaurant. The lights were dim and soothing, forming nice silhouettes on the walls of the restaurant. The greenish vines from the walls as decors of the restaurants were extending to the extent that you knew a trimming or tidying was long overdue.

The waiter led us to our seats, which were situated in the open area of the restaurant. The weather was cool and it was a perfect weather for an outdoor dinner. 

"What do you fancy?" Linda asked me as she handed the menu over to me.

"I am still thinking, but I kinda wanna get sushi," I said as I looked closely at the pictures that described the dishes, making sure that I did not overlook the prices. 

"And...I kinda wanna try some alcohol drinks haha," I blurted out. "What do you suggest?"

"I think Baileys is a good start because it is quite sweet and it tastes like ice-cream," Linda commented as she looked closely at the menu with her thick lens glasses. 

"Oh but is it alcohol-concentrated?" I asked and I fished my phone from my bag and searched for it online. 

I showed the search result from online to Linda and said, "Oh! It actually has 17-20% alcohol!"

"Yea but it doesn't hurt to try? I will stop you when you drink too much," Linda was tempting me and Bailey tasting like ice-cream did not deter me from not trying. 

"Okay, I will try. It will be the first time that I drink in an overseas country!" I said as I could not contain my excitement to try Baileys for the first time. 

The meal was really nice and the waiters were really kind. One of them even helped us take a photo that was quite a remembrance for such a wonderful night. 

After drinking Baileys, I found myself becoming extra chatty and slightly neurotic. I kept asking Linda questions and was slightly unsure of what I was saying. 

"I think we should go home, haha. I haven't seen you like this. You just keep laughing," Linda said as her face could not conceal her amusement. 

"Yea but I think it's super duper yummy," I said as I blurted out.

As we walked out of the restaurant, Linda joked and said, "Do you think you can walk a straight line? Let's try if you can," Linda said as she was holding me by the side.

"I can for sure!" I let go of her hand and walked a few steps of completely straight lines outside the restaurant. The thing about alcohol is that it slowly kicks in so it takes time for your body to consume alcohol. 

As our hotel was not far from the restaurant, we walked hurriedly back to our hotel as the night turned dark. At that point, I was barely containing my laughter. I think I was slightly tipsy that time.  


That's a story of a tipsy old soul lady anyways, hope you enjoyed the story! Please stay tuned or add my story to your reading list for more xoxo

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