
479 22 1

Party was over, the knot already tied and the two families emerged as one.

It was indeed a big family.

Today was the day Bit-Na and her father moved into Kim's mansion and it was not a welcoming feeling for Bit-Na.

She pondered why they had to be the ones to move in and not the other but as it may be, Bit-Na's father wasn't influential but he wasn't poor. More like he belonged to a middle-class family, their current house was too small for his new family of ten.

"Welcome to your new home Bit-Na," Mrs Kim said warmly.

Bit-Na only gave a small smile not wanting to be rude.

"The house isn't that bad" She observed looking around.

The mansion was modernly styled, and the living room was so spacious and double-sized compared to their living room.

Picture frame hung around the room beautifying it, a flowering plant suited near the 145 Panasonic TV. With a glass centre table decorated with different artworks, the couches were high quality.

The house was fantastic and well-built... It was amazing but poor Bitna won't openly admit it.

"You can stop staring at the house like a lost thief" A voice growled.

Bitna poked her tongue hearing that irritating voice, "Well only thieves know their fellow thieves, don't you think so brother?" She asked hiding a smile.

Jungkook's eyes popped wide upon hearing her sarcastic statement,

"Yah!" His voice screeched throwing her a deadly look.

The boys laughed finding it funny. It was a peal of unintended laughter.

Jungkook bit his lips in anger.

"It's not funny" He growled to everyone's hearing.

Mrs Kim internally smiled finding the scenario funny.

'Her sons have met their match

"Now everyone's here how about another tiny introduction?" Mrs Kim started. "Honey, meet my boys" She turned sideways pointing to her kids. "Seokjin my eldest"

Seokjin gave a head bow, as the eldest he has to start on a good track.

"Yoongi, he is a trainee basketballer"

Yoongi had this poker look not giving off any impression. Mr Kim just gave a small smile.

Bitna scoffed watching the boy's attitude towards her Dad, she wanted to go over and knock the brain out of them.

"Hoseok and Namjoon are still in college" She pointed to the first twin couple.

Hoseok face wasn't poker no matter how much he tried to keep one. Namjoon gave a small head bow with a fake smile.

"Jimin and Taehyung, Highschool seniors"

Jimin was the only one that gave a sincere smile.

"Nice meeting you, Mr Kim" He greeted with a head bow.

"Nice meeting you too Jimin," Mr Park said returning the polite behaviour.

Just like Yoongi, Taehyung's face was unreadable.

Bit-Na's father smiled giving him a small smile.

"And my youngest, Jungkook," She said looking down at the youngest guy beside her "He was excited hearing that he will soon get a father" Mrs Kim further said with a big smile.

For one second there, Jungkook wanted to rush over and feel a father's warmth but sighting the little devil beside him, his eyes furrowed giving a glare.

"If you need a Dad, I will be here," Mr Park said with a smile.

Jungkook stared boredly at him not reacting a bit, his full eyes were on Bitna who he was seriously killing in his mind.

Bit-Na smirked seeing the aggressive look, she stuck out her middle finger openly giving him the f**k you sign.

"Park Bit-Na" Her father warned with an intense gaze

"Let the kids play honey and we have to go now. We will be late for our flight" Mrs Kim laid out seeing the act as nothing but some kid's play and their honeymoon wasn't something they should miss.

Mr Park sighed at that reminder. Fully knowing his daughter, he knew the worst was yet to come.

"Are you leaving already Dad?" She turned giving out a dissatisfied look.

"I will be back before you know it and your brothers are here with you"

Bit-Na laughed as her pinky finger pointed at the bunch of humans standing before her. "Stepbrothers not brothers, Dad"

"Use these three weeks and bond more with them and we made arrangements for your school transfer, there is nothing to worry about Sweety"

Bit-Na smiled giving her father the assuring look at least for the moment. "Not to worry Dad we will be doing tons and tons of bonding"

"Honey we've to go" Mrs Kim called out hating to interrupt the father-daughter moment "Seokjin~ah while we are away, you are in charge. Take good care of your sister and please show her to her room"

Seokjin gave a nod at her words, "I will, you should go now your luggage's set"

"Son be good and take care of yourselves and your sister" She gave Jungkook a kiss turning to her husband "Let's go, honey"

With the couple out of sight, all eyes turned to Bitna giving her a look.

"Where the heck is my room in this damn mansion?" She arrogantly asked.

Jin sighed walking closer to her, "I don't know how you lived before but please no cussing, ok? Come on I will show you to your room"

Bit-Na stood still not making another comment. This was unlike her, she watched him get her suitcase for her.

Jin led the way upstairs with Bit-Na trailing behind him. They came to a halt as Jin unlocked a door revealing the double-sized bedroom made for her.

"Woah this is amazing! Are you sure this is my room and not the master bedroom?" She asked unsure giving Seokjin a kind of cute and curious look.

"It is yours! Everything you need is in there but if you still need anything just let me know, ok?"

Bit-Na smiled giving him a full head nod, "Copy sir"

Seokjin wanted to lose free and laugh but he withheld himself not planning to look soft.

"Rest you must be tired" He handed her the suitcase quietly closing the door with a hidden smile.

"Cute" He muttered giving a glance at the locked door before heading downstairs.

The boys all stood like soldiers waiting for their hyung. Jin furrowed his brows seeing them still standing where he left them.

"Is something wrong?" He asked with a weird look.

"Hyung don't tell me you gave her the room upstairs," Jungkook asked immediately.

"Mom got it fixed for her. It is rightfully hers"

"She doesn't deserve that room" He annoyingly spat.

"Come on Jungkook, you still got a bigger room than hers," Jin said giving him a shoulder pat "And please don't start any war show, ok? No mischievous pranks and that goes for you three" He reminded looking at the maknaes.

Jungkook secretly gave out an evil smirk;

"A little welcome to the family won't do any harm"

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