What are we?

398 17 9

Bit-na wriggled in her sleep slowly regaining her conscious state.

Her eyes fluttered open wincing at the great pain she was feeling. She clenched her fist trying to observe her surrounding.

"Don't move" She heard a voice reaching out to her.

She turned the opposite way and sighed seeing Chanyeol standing before her.

"What happened? And what am I doing here?" She asked.

"You don't remember anything?" Chanyeol asked in a voice about to freak out.

Bit-na held her head as she tried recalling what happened; "This headache is not making it any easier for me to remember"

Chanyeol sighed in relief seeing it wasn't the case.

"Your brothers will be..." He didn't get to finish his statement as the door burst open revealing the devil's children.

"Yah what happened?" Jimin whispered yelled running towards her.

"I don't remember," She said in a small voice.

The boy's head whipped up to Chanyeol as their eyes asked the question.

Chanyeol shook his head understanding the fear in their eyes. "She is fine nothing to worry about"

​​​​"Ahhh thank goodness!" Jimin heaved a sigh of relief crouching down low.

"Will you stop causing trouble?" Taehyung said from behind.

"Are you only strong when you fight with me? Why didn't you show her half of what you do with me? " Jungkook's annoying voice resonated around the entire room.

Bitna sighed and stared blankly at them totally out of the world as she thinks harder, small bits of what happened eventually coming to her.

"Bitna are you sure you are ok?" Jimin called out once again.

​​​​​​Bitna looked up at him and for unknown reasons, her heart skipped seeing their worried faces even Jungkook had that hint of worry in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm ok Jimin~ah" She replied with a smile to ease off their worried minds. "And don't worry Kook I  made her have the taste of her own medicine," She said and turned to Jungkook.

"And why are you the only one lying on a clinical bed with a bandaged head?" 

Bit-na sighed her head rolling back; "That surprises me too" 

​​​​​"Are you worried about her or what?" Chanyeol asked with a confused look. His eyes lingered on Bitna and his best friend.

"Who said I am worried? She is the least of who I should get worried for" Jungkook said in a sarcastic tone.

"Likewise me too" 

Jimin and Taehyung sighed as they two started bickering once again.

"Jungkook you guys can bicker later but not here she is injured" Jimin intervened stopping the fight from escalating.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook to the side far from Bitna.

"How should we report this to the management?" Tae asked looking over to Chanyeol.

He was an eyewitness and his side of the story holds a great stand.

"NO!!" Bit-na yelped out not minding the splitting headache she was having. "No, you can't tell anyone about this" 

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