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"So grumpy! What's so hard about doing a small favour? It's not like I asked him the entire universe" 

Bitna annoyed face was visible that morning, she grunts throwing her belongings to the locker and slamming it with a bang startling the student in the hallway.

"Whoa, easy on the banging! What's with the mood this morning?" Chanyeol asked from his side of the locker. 

Bit-na turned seeing the boy standing there like the god he is. 

"Chanyeol didn't see you there" She muttered forgetting her anger.

"You look busy with your thoughts," He said drawing closer, "What's wrong?"

Bit-na just shrugged it off walking the hallway. 

"Nothing, just someone that can't do a little bit of charity"

Chanyeol chuckled at her explanation of nothing. 

"And who is this?"

"Just some annoying someone I know" 

"You mean your Brothers?" He asked walking beside her.

She kept silent and kept on walking clearing his haunch.

"What did they do to you this time around?"

Bit-na gritted her teeth remembering the night before.


"And what is that?" Yoongi asked with his usual poker look.

Bit-na gulped down regaining her confidence, "Is something you are very good and as someone willing to learn, I seek your knowledge in it and wish to master it before you,"

Yoongi grunts rubbing his nape, "Can you go straight to the point?"

"CAN YOU TEACH ME HOW TO PLAY BASKETBALL?" She abruptly asked not taking a minute to catch her breath.

Her eyes stay glued to Yoongi who still had a calm and poker face. She looked at him with wide eyes expecting an answer but the fierce eye staring was getting out of hand. 

"Uhm can you help me?" She asked again but this time more slowly.

"NO" He didn't battle an eye for the word rip out of his mouth.

Bit-na blinked her eyes startled by his answer. 

"No? But Why?"

"Because I don't want to?" 

Bit-na's face went blank at his reason.

"You don't understand, I need your help on this"

"Why me? I am not the only person your school has a basketball club, go for it"

Bit-na salivated down with a head nod.

"I know but it has a lot of processes, including your parent's signature approval, and by so doing my dad will find out about it, which I don't want to happen"

Bit-na looked up at him seeing his face way calmer she had this slight hint of victory building inside. 

"Sorry, but I can't help" He turned to leave the room.

"Why can't you help?" She asked stopping him. 

Because I don't want to, go look for someone else and quit bothering me, will you? It's not like we are close or anything" He coldly said exiting the kitchen.

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