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Bitna grunted shifting her weight for comfort, her eyes peeked open feeling a touchy movement. She looked sideways and saw her brothers.

They both sat at each bed side resting their heads and their hands placed over hers. 

Bitna furrowed her brows not familiar with this bonding. She slowly tried freeing her hand but one slight movement got Jin awake.

He rubbed his eyes feeling the early morning sun rays. He looked up and saw Bitna who was frozen like she was caught doing something bad.

"You are awake?" Jin said stretching out himself.

"Yeah" She answered awkwardljy her head looking down at Hoseok who was lying on the other side.

"You ok?" Jin asked checking out her hands for any injury which he knew didn't happen.

"Am ok" She smiled hiding the confused look she had.

Hoseok stirred up from his sleep hearing the tiny voices. He got on alarm mode seeing Bitna.

"Hyung she is awake! Are you ok? Headache or anything?" 

Bitna almost felt like coughing out badly at their weird reaction.

What happened overnight?

Why are her brothers suddenly acting weird? 

The morning passed by peacefully not letting her out of their side. Thankfully it wasn't a school day.

The othe boys who were oblivious to what happened had a confused look at their behavioural changes. 

Jin's was understandable but Hoseok was the one who got them thinking. 

"Hyung what's up with you guys today?" Taehyung was the first to ask seeing Bitna go upstairs.

"Us?" They both asked like one who was accused wrongly.

"Yeah you guy's" Yoongi said standing up, " You Guys have been acting weird since morning, following Bit-na like she will die the next moment. What happened? "

"What's wrong with us looking after our sister?" Hoseok said earning a look from Namjoon

"Are you kidding me?" Namjoon asked.

"Did you guys commit any crime? If it were Jin hyung and Jimin hyung it will be understandable but you Hoseok hyung that's were the odd thinking comes in" Jungkook said with an equally furrowed brows.

"You guys really want to know?" Jin asked with a tired look 

"Definitely! It's that even a question?" Yoongi asked staging his body.

Jin sighed with a nod having no other option. He told them all that happened last night, the shivering feeling they had.

They boys were all speechless having been clueless of what happened.

"How is she now?" Jimin asked.

"For the moment she's ok?" Hoseok answered.

"What about later?" Taehyung low-key asked.

"That's why we are keeping an eye on her. We don't know if she remembers the dream but she was really devastated last night. She needs someone to lean on, all this time she might be out putting on a mask as a means of being ok but what we saw last night says otherwise." Jin paused his eyes stinging a little, he looked up dismissing the tears from his eyes. "She was lost begging not to be abandoned"

"Her mom left her as a kid" Jungkook said "She is still triggered by it. Even the last time I told her she wasn't needed, it seems like something snapped out of her"

"You said that? When?" 

"The day she ran out of home" 

"All I can say is that she needs someone and that someone should be us, his brothers. I know we may not see eye to eye but she really needs us to forget about all those years or she will forever be tormented by the past" Hoseok stated in.

"Hoseok is right! Can't we just let go of our personal feelings for now?" Jin pleaded 

There was a momentary silence in the room.

"You guys don't have to" Bitna voice echoes from the stairs.

The boys looked up shocked, she had been eavesdropping on their conversation.

"I was equally confused why you were acting weird this morning. I guess this was why" She mumbled the last part.

That was a side of her she didn't want anyone to see. A side that still wants her mom.


"You guys can just stop, you don't have to do this any longer. I don't need your care especially if it's for this reason"

Jin stood up walking up to her, "Why? We want to help because we care"

"No you want to help out of sympathy! You feel pity for me and that's why, you guys can go back to your normal selves. I don't want pity from any of you"

"Us being mean to you before doesn't mean we don't care. You are our only sister and we might not be perfect but we really want to help you get through this" Jimin said walking over to them.

Bitna bit her lips feeling vulnerable. Why now of all time? She has to stand strong in front of them.

​​​​​​"We don't know what happened in the past but you should let go now and embrace a new memory instead"

"You guys don't even like me, why are you doing this? " She asked with a sniff.

"Who says we don't like you? We just don't show it" Hoseok said with a smile.

"If I don't like you will I teach you how to play basketball? " Yoongi asked receiving a head nod from the boys.

"Hyung is right! Yoongi hyung doesn't let anyone near his court, I was quite surprised seeing him let you go in and he is even coaching you" Jimin clutched his heart feeling a sense of betrayal.

"Yeah! I feel betrayed too"  Jungkook chipped in. 

"You guys are exaggerating" Namjoon said finding the scene funny. 

"Do you believe us now, Bitna" Taehyung asked.

"Do you still need more scenario where we proved we like you? Remember that day you ran out? We were so worried and we won't have if we didn't like you" Jungkook pointed out. "The point is we might not show it but we do care and if you let us, we will be by your side all time"

" Even you? " She asked.

​​​​​​​"Even me but that doesn't me I will treat you like any princess or what" 

Bitna smiled not even realizing it. "It will be bored if you did"

The boys laughed seeing the beautiful scenario.

Could this be the start of their siblings relationship?



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