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Night eventually came after a long day of work and school activities. The boys were all home and the rest were on their way waiting for dinner.

The boys sat round the table seeing dinner served but a seat was left vacant. 

"What of Bitna?" Jin asked but no reply.

With a sigh, he got up and went upstairs. He knocked but no reply came, he opened the door meeting an empty room. His eyes wandered around but no sight of her.

He shut the door and walked into the room and at that moment Bit-Na jumped out with a water snake gun ready to attack.

Jin flinched as he saw a figure jump out of nowhere.

"Ahhh I thought it was those annoying maknaes" She mumbled disappointedly that her already made plan didn't work.

Jin furrowed his brows looking at her weirdly, ”Even if it was them what are you going to do? Baptized them with that? " He asked his gaze directed to the snake gun in her hold.

"A little baptism won't do them any harm, right?" She spoke sassily.

Jin shook his head in disbelief.

"As you see it's not them, so you can keep down that toy"

Bit-na huffed with an eye roll; "It is not only limited to them. None of you is limited to this" She raised it giving him a clear view. "And what are you even doing in my room?"

Jin sighed remembering why he came up. "Come down for dinner"

"I have no plans on eating with you" She replied with a blank look.

"You don't have to continue this. You are already bound to live with us and eating together is a necessity for families"

"As if you guys consider me as a family" She huffed at his speech.

"I will keep anybody from disturbing you while you eat, just come down for now," Jin said more calmly.

Bitna bit down her lips as she hesitantly decide on whether to believe him. Truth be told she was very hungry but her pride won't let her go scavenging.


Bit-na came down for dinner. She didn't miss the deadly glare Jungkook and the other boys were throwing her. She huffed and sat down at an empty seat beside Jungkook.

"Hyung why bring her here to eat? She can just eat in the kitchen where she belongs." Jungkook spat.

"And you will go there and eat if you don't shut up and eat," Jin said with a knowing look

Jungkook was not the only one taken back, in fact, all of them were surprised.

"Hyung!" Jungkook called out surprisingly "Don't tell me you are taking her side over me?" 

Jin dropped his chopsticks with a tired look, "I am not taking anyone's side"

"You are hyung" ​​​​​​

"Can we for once eat in peace? You can go back to your bickering later but not at the dining table, ok" Jin said authoritatively.

Bit-na chuckled seeing their surprised faces when Jin defended her.

Jungkook poked his tongue throwing her a glare that could kill.

Bit-na pouted and shrugged her shoulders; "Too bad, right?" She mumbled.

"Not for me but for you" Jungkook spat back.

The dining table on the outside looked peaceful but inwardly the two youngest were having a mental war. The war was basically all in their heads.

Jungkook wanted nothing but to make the battle come real. His eyes wandered around as he looked for a good way to get back at her.

His conscience came back when he heard a voice.

"Why are you picking out the peas?" Hoseok asked confusedly.

"Better safe than sorry" She answered not losing focus of what she was doing.

"You don't like peas?" Jin asked.

"Yeah" She answered with a small head nod.

Little did she know her answer lit up an amazing idea in someone's mind.

Jungkook sneakily smirks with a laugh, an evil plan filling up his mind. "Looks like our sister is a picky eater" He mumbled to no one's hearing.

Everyone finished dinner. Bit-Na was the first to go up to her room and then Yoongi followed suit afterward.

Namjoon helped Jin clear the dishes and Hoseok lazily lay on the couch going through his phone.

It was now the maknaes left alone again. Jungkook dragged his brothers to a corner with an excited face.

​​​​​"What's with the dragging Kook?" Taehyung asked fixing his wrinkled shirt.

"Hyung guess what? I got the perfect plan on how we can get back at Bitna for what she did to us" He said with a big smile.

Jimin grunts his back leaning against the wall; "What are you planning this time?"

"Earlier dinner you guys noticed how she picked out the peas in her food?" He started looking at the other two.

"Yeah what's with it?"  Taehyung asked curiously.

"The fact that Bitna doesn't like peas means we can use that to our advantage in getting back at her for what she did to us" He emphasized.

"And how do you plan to do that?"

"It's easy we make her eat food with peas in it. Just imagine her reaction when she finds out she ate what she despises" He laughed along with his plans.

"Do you want to kill her?" Jimin suddenly asked.

Taehyung and Jungkook blinked their lashes at the sudden question.

"Why would you say that Jimin?"

"Don't you see she is allergic to peas?"

Jungkook laughed with a head shake, "She hates them hyung and is not allergic to them"

"I heard her say about hating it too" Taehyung chipped in.

Jimin huffed with a sigh, "Better safe than sorry was her remark when hyung asked why she was picking out the peas and what you think that means. She won't care and cautiously pick out the peas if she just hates it"

"Hyung I don't think so, you are making it sound a lot more serious than it is" Jungkook slowly said.

"The last time you guys didn't listen to me we got ourselves into trouble and now. You guys can carry out the plan or whatsoever, I am out and don't say I didn't warn you" With that, he left without another word.

Taehyung pursued his lips, he sensed reasons in what his brother said. He looked at Jungkook who was speechless,

"Jimin might be right Kook. We hate her doesn't mean we should put her life at stake, I am sure there are more ways we can get back at her. You should let this one slide" He said with a small shoulder pat and walked away.

Jungkook bit his lips annoyingly, "You guys are just overthinking things. Who in the world will be allergic to peas?"


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