Resetting. I wonder if I'm still me while having the power to reset time from the very first moment I was born. Most people want that, but for me, it's more frightening than making a mistake from impulsive action, because for sure, I will never learn.

I opened my eyes. What a heavy and groggy nap! My mind enunciates while wondering what time it is. I saw a glimpse of fire outside, so I crawled to fully unzip the tent. It's him. He had already started the fire and was clinging to it with his hands.

I hastily grab my backpack and look for my furry and cozy duffle coat; it's freezing cold even though wintertime isn't starting.

"Oh, you're awake!" He exclaimed.

I look at him straight-faced and ask, "Who are you?"

He didn't seem surprised by my behavior and said, "Uhm, yes, I'm Maxine Georges Montgometry; please meet me." He really knows how to anticipate the worst, huh?

"Oh, George." I uttered, not even bothering to shake his hand that was waiting for me to shake it.

"Yes, Georges, silent's, but please just call me Max." He added absurdly.

"Okay, Geordie, gorgeous."

"No. Max-"

"Anyway, I'm Avery Bluerichards, and "stubborn" is my middle name." I said it with the utmost authenticity.

I seemed to be running out of things to say, so I didn't hesitate and hurried back to the tent. Ok, what weirdo joined me tonight? This is not weird. This is borderline.

I lifted my comforter a bit and flicked the outside light switch connected to the height of its tent and to the basement right near the cliff. It's a good thing, and it still works, because if I hadn't, I would also have had a battery. "Prepared" is also my second name; wait, it doesn't rhyme; okay, it doesn't.

As I get out, I see him standing, arms crossed, and steadily staring at the bonfire with his hoodies on.

"I turned it on to see if I was really facing a gorgeous guy, but I should've been content with the light from the bonfire." I teased while heading to the bonfire, holding cola and a pack of marshmallows on a stick.

He immediately noticed it and said, "Woah, I'm craving for s'mores, thanks."

Now he's playing dumb with me. "Is that another term for, can I have some, please?" I said that and angrily handed them to him.

I immediately sat down and smoked four sticks of marshmallows. "It's good to feel like a kid sometimes." I whispered, as if I were starting to let go of myself and end the superficial tension between the two of us.

"Yup, I remember when me and my brother used to sneak in every midnight just to camp out on weekends without even bothering to attend class on Monday. That's why we hate Mondays. "

"Wait, do you have a brother?" I interrupt his storytelling.

"Yeah, we're three." My eldest sister is living in New York; she's busy running her dermatology business. Steve is about to graduate at Yale. "I left with Dad here in California." Max explained.

"How about your mom?"

"I don't know. They separated when I was ten, and I'm thinking that it was my fault."

"No, it was their decision." I sympathize and take a gulp of my cola.

"I was born in Yorkshire, England, and we lived there till I was eleven. Since then, they have often fought over family matters. And this place is my father's hometown; we always go here for Christmas, but that year twenty-twenty was the last Christmas we were complete as a family. There was an incident when I was about to get drowned and die; fortunately, someone saved me. But on the other side, that's when their arguments ended. Maybe Mom blamed Dad's relatives for the accident, but actually it was all my fault, which is why I drowned in the lake. I'm closer to Dad's family, especially my Uncle Ben, so I decided to stay here. "

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