[29] ● The Anatomy Of Crime ●

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Sarah was walking to the Kent's household when she first heard it.

Superman and 'Morgan Edge', the aloof business man she had first thought was a really kind man paying for her treatments at the hospital but turned he out to be a villain Sarah guessed that you really didn't know people until they let themselves be known.

The two were battling it out above her in the sky there bodies looking like giant waves in the sea making clouds run away from them as if they were on fire in the air.

The ground bellow her trembled with effort as Sarah picked up her bags from were she had dropped them.

That wasn't her main problem it never was not really Superman would handle the big bad - the greater issues the world faced but what consumed her mind was far greater to her then the war that went on above her.

Sarah's problem were always more local always centralised back to her house there were individual problems arise that she let run from other side of her head like a carousel ride.

Always moving never still but always seeming to come back to the same place the forefront of her mind.

Her mom's failing to mention were her dad was prior to leaving the house, none of his work colleagues had seen him and Sarah was so sure her dad had given up sobriety and gone on a bender that when her mom had finally given her a little tad bit of information that her dad wasn't at the local bar, it almost made her what to scream.

It made Sarah think of only one thing that could keep her dad way from her like this and no it wasn't cheating that was the last thing on her mind as he kicked up rubble with her feet walking the back way home from school.

The last time her dad had walked out unexpectedly was after her first attempt.

She didn't 'Henna Backer' herself in her bath tub or anything it was quite unmellow dramatic she had been saving up pills that her therapist had prescribed to her and in a moment of hasty planning had taken them all.

It wouldn't have been enough anyways, but the time she had spent alone drowning in fear and hazy eyes hoping that she mental anguish would end only to wake up in the hospital.

With only her mother in the room the sounds of her dad footsteps outside yelling at doctors was enough for Sarah to believe that she had died and was watching the aftermath from beyond the grave.

Trapped in her own body unable to move speak even breath for the longest time until her mother noticed her wondering eyes and called out her name her dad didn't enter Sarah's hospital room until she was discharged.

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